This is a speech decoder written in Standard ML. It is compiled with MLton, and uses the Kaldi library ( to convert .wav files into MFCC features. It also uses Kaldi's acoustic model files (transition model + diagonal GMM) and OpenFST's WFST format (const FST). The algorithm is state-equivalent to Kaldi's faster-decoder, and in my tests, works about 20% slower on a large vocabulary task (Russian geographical queries).
The reason for writing this was my frustration from having to work with C++ code.
I tried reimplementing the decoder in Haskell (modifying the excellent Husky software by Takahiro Shinozaki,, but could not get reasonable performance. MLton proved easier to tame than GHC.
You are free to use and modify ml-decode in any way you like. Patches are welcome as well.