Flask-Full is a boilerplate framework on top of flask for developing large api backend applications using flask. It has in built support for creating shell commands, celery, websocket, eventlet, mongoengine orm, swagger-ui api docs and sphinx docs.
Flask-Full requires minimum python 3.5.
Pre-required Setup:
- MacOS/Linux/Windows
- git
- Python3 / pip3 /
- MongoDB
git clone [email protected]:fynd/flask-full.git
cd flask-full (rename repository directory to required value)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To start server hit
python3 manage.py run -p 8080
Server will start on port 8080. Hitting http://localhost:8080/ping/ on web browser should return {"message": "pong"}.
API Docs are powered by swagger ui and can be viewed by hitting http://localhost:8080/apidocs/ .
To start celery hit
python3 manage.py celery
To start beat hit
python3 manage.py beat
For available commands and options hit
python manage.py
├── CHANGES Change logs
├── README.rst
├── manage.py Management commands file
├── meta.conf App meta conf
├── requirements.txt 3rd party libraries libraries
├── requirements_test.txt Testing 3rd libraries
├── temp Temp directory for storing logs
├── app
├── __init__.py App starting point
├── app.py Main blueprint with before and after request handler
├── api_info.py API level constants
├── choices.py CHOICES constant dictionary
├── crons.py Crons dictionary file
├── exceptions.py Custom exceptions
├── stats.py API stats
├── wsgi.py wsgi app
├── wsgi_aux.py wsgi auxilary app
├── utils Utils
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── api_caller.py Wrapper over requests which handles emits blinker signal over call
│ ├── common_util.py common utils
│ ├── json_util.py contains custom flask encodes
│ ├── slack_util.py
└── api
└── v1
└── ├── urls.py url routes
├──demo_api container one demo api
You can also use docker-compose. Hit below command to start server on port 8080.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up