mec2 is a 2D physics simulation engine written in JavaScript. It is designed to easily create 2D mechanisms for rapid sketching and rendering the resulting models in a 2D canvas using g2.
- Fast and lightweight physics simulation.
- Addressing HTML canvas 2D using g2.
- Highly modifiable environment.
- High level definitions.
- Easy extensibility.
- No dependencies (beside g2 for rendering).
- Models may be easily exported, as they are provided as JSON.
"nodes": [
{ "id": "A0", "x": 75, "y": 50, "base": true },
{ "id": "A", "x": 75, "y": 100 },
{ "id": "B", "x": 275, "y": 170 },
{ "id": "B0", "x": 275, "y": 50, "base": true },
{ "id": "C", "x": 125, "y": 175 }
"constraints": [
"id": "a", "p1": "A0", "p2": "A", "len": { "type":"const" },
"ori": { "type": "drive", "Dt": 2, "Dw": 6.28 }
}, {
"id": "b", "p1": "A", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" }
}, {
"id": "c", "p1": "B0", "p2": "B", "len": { "type":"const" }
}, {
"id": "d", "p1": "B", "p2": "C", "len": { "type":"const" },
"ori": { "ref": "b", "type": "const" }
"views": [
"show": "pos", "of": "C", "as": "trace", "Dt":2.1,
"mode":"preview", "fill":"orange"
}, {
"show": "vel", "of": "C", "as": "vector"
}, {
"as": "chart", "x": 340, "y": 75, "Dt": 1.9,
"show": "wt", "of": "b"
mec2 is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.