A Web3 RPC compatible layer build upon Godwoken/Polyjuice.
$ cat > ./packages/api-server/.env <<EOF
REDIS_URL=redis://user:password@localhost:6379 <redis url, optional, default to localhost on port 6379>
GODWOKEN_JSON_RPC=<godwoken rpc>
SENTRY_DNS=<sentry dns, optional>
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT=<sentry environment, optional, default to `development`>,
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=<new relic license key, optional>
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=<new relic app name, optional, default to 'Godwoken Web3'>
PG_POOL_MAX=<pg pool max count, optional, default to 20>
CLUSTER_COUNT=<cluster count, optional, default to num of cpus>
GAS_PRICE_CACHE_SECONDS=<seconds, optional, default to 0, and 0 means no cache>
EXTRA_ESTIMATE_GAS=<eth_estimateGas will add this number to result, optional, default to 0>
ENABLE_CACHE_ETH_CALL=<optional, enable eth_call cache, default to false>
ENABLE_CACHE_ESTIMATE_GAS=<optional, enable eth_estimateGas cache, default to false>
ENABLE_CACHE_EXECUTE_RAW_L2_TX=<optional, enable gw_execute_raw_l2Tx cache, default to false>
LOG_LEVEL=<optional, allowed value: `debug` / `info` / `warn` / `error`, default to `debug` in development, and default to `info` in production>
LOG_FORMAT=<optional, allowed value: `json`>
MAX_SOCKETS=<optional, max number of httpAgent sockets per host for web3 connecting to godwoken, default to 10>
WEB3_LOG_REQUEST_BODY=<optional, boolean, if true, will log request method / body, default to false>
PORT=<optional, the api-server running port, default to 8024>
MIN_GAS_PRICE=<optional, decimal number, the minimal gas price required>
MAX_QUERY_NUMBER=<optional, integer number, maximum number of records to be returned in one query from database>
MAX_QUERY_TIME_MILSECS=<optional, integer number, maximum number of time for database query>
FEE_RATE=<optional, decimal number, use to calculate minimal l2tx fee required, default to 0>
ENABLE_PROF_RPC=<optional, boolean, default to false>
$ yarn
# For api-server & indexer
$ DATABASE_URL=<your database url> make migrate
# Only for test purpose
$ yarn workspace @godwoken-web3/api-server reset_database
rate limit config
$ cat > ./packages/api-server/rate-limit-config.json <<EOF
"expired_time_milsec": 60000,
"methods": {
"poly_executeRawL2Transaction": 30,
"<rpc method name>": <max requests number in expired_time>
The default indexer_config_path
is './indexer-config.toml'. More details about the configs refer to struct IndexerConfig.
cargo build --release
godwoken_rpc_url=<godwoken rpc, e.g. "http://godwoken:8119"> \
pg_url=<database url, e.g. "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/dbname"> \
yarn run build:godwoken
yarn run start
yarn run build && yarn run start:prod
yarn run build && yarn run start:pm2
docker run -d -it -v <YOUR .env FILE PATH>:/godwoken-web3/packages/api-server/.env -w /godwoken-web3 --name godwoken-web3 nervos/godwoken-web3-prebuilds:<TAG> bash -c "yarn workspace @godwoken-web3/api-server start:pm2"
then you can monit web3 via pm2 inside docker container:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER NAME> /bin/bash
$ root@ec562fe2172b:/godwoken-web3# pm2 monit
Http url: http://your-url/
WebSocket url: ws://your-url/ws
local development:
make build-test-image # (tag: latest-test)
push to docker:
make build-push # needs login, will ask you for tag
- docker image: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/nervos/godwoken-web3-prebuilds
- code is located in
with node_modules already installed and typescript compiled to js code.
Get RPC docs at RPCs doc