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Run demo projects

la.panon. edited this page Aug 31, 2024 · 7 revisions

Make sure the library is installed according to the Setup library.

Here is a list of demo projects provided by godot-nim. Once you have cloned repo or unzipped, cd to the project you are interested in.

All demonstrations can be executed in the following three steps.

1. Build all bootstrap.nim using nim c

This will create a dynamic library at same-dir-of-bootstrap/lib/

( ! ) Required for first time

2. setup godot's project files

run godot --editor at res://. to create the project data (.godot/).

At this point, an error message stating that initialization of the extension has failed will be output. This is a bug, but not a problem. Reloading or closing the project will resolve it.

3. press F5 while godot editor or run godot to play the demo!