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michael-schwarz committed Dec 19, 2024
2 parents 563a5b1 + 4d60a82 commit 79df614
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .git-blame-ignore-revs
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# Fix LibraryFunctions.invalidate_actions indentation

# Rename ctx -> man
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -13,61 +13,61 @@ struct
module D = BoolDomain.MustBool
module C = Printable.Unit

let context ctx _ _ = ()
let context man _ _ = ()
let startcontext () = ()

(* transfer functions *)
let assign ctx (lval:lval) (rval:exp) : D.t =
let assign man (lval:lval) (rval:exp) : D.t =

let branch ctx (exp:exp) (tv:bool) : D.t =
let branch man (exp:exp) (tv:bool) : D.t =

let body ctx (f:fundec) : D.t =
let body man (f:fundec) : D.t =

let return ctx (exp:exp option) (f:fundec) : D.t =
if ctx.local then
let return man (exp:exp option) (f:fundec) : D.t =
if man.local then
match f.sformals with
| [arg] when isIntegralType arg.vtype ->
(match ctx.ask (EvalInt (Lval (Var arg, NoOffset))) with
(match man.ask (EvalInt (Lval (Var arg, NoOffset))) with
| v when Queries.ID.is_bot v -> false
| v ->
match Queries.ID.to_bool v with
| Some b -> b
| None -> false)
| _ ->
(* should not happen, ctx.local should always be false in this case *)
(* should not happen, man.local should always be false in this case *)

let enter ctx (lval: lval option) (f:fundec) (args:exp list) : (D.t * D.t) list =
let enter man (lval: lval option) (f:fundec) (args:exp list) : (D.t * D.t) list =
let candidate = match f.sformals with
| [arg] when isIntegralType arg.vtype -> true
| _ -> false
[false, candidate]

let combine_env ctx lval fexp f args fc au f_ask =
let combine_env man lval fexp f args fc au f_ask =
if au then (
(* Assert before combine_assign, so if variables in `arg` are assigned to, asserting doesn't unsoundly yield bot *)
(* See test 62/03 *)
match args with
| [arg] -> ctx.emit (Events.Assert arg)
| [arg] -> man.emit (Events.Assert arg)
| _ -> ()

let combine_assign ctx (lval:lval option) fexp (f:fundec) (args:exp list) fc (au:D.t) (f_ask: Queries.ask) : D.t =
let combine_assign man (lval:lval option) fexp (f:fundec) (args:exp list) fc (au:D.t) (f_ask: Queries.ask) : D.t =

let special ctx (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let special man (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =

let startstate v = false
let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [false]
let threadspawn ctx ~multiple lval f args fctx = false
let threadenter man ~multiple lval f args = [false]
let threadspawn man ~multiple lval f args fman = false
let exitstate v = false

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94 changes: 47 additions & 47 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -31,112 +31,112 @@ struct
let activated = get_string_list "ana.activated" in
emit_single_threaded := List.mem ( ()) activated || List.mem ( ()) activated

let do_access (ctx: (D.t, G.t, C.t, V.t) ctx) (kind:AccessKind.t) (reach:bool) (e:exp) =
let do_access (man: (D.t, G.t, C.t, V.t) man) (kind:AccessKind.t) (reach:bool) (e:exp) =
if M.tracing then M.trace "access" "do_access %a %a %B" d_exp e AccessKind.pretty kind reach;
let reach_or_mpt: _ Queries.t = if reach then ReachableFrom e else MayPointTo e in
let ad = ctx.ask reach_or_mpt in
ctx.emit (Access {exp=e; ad; kind; reach})
let ad = man.ask reach_or_mpt in
man.emit (Access {exp=e; ad; kind; reach})

(** Three access levels:
+ [deref=false], [reach=false] - Access [exp] without dereferencing, used for all normal reads and all function call arguments.
+ [deref=true], [reach=false] - Access [exp] by dereferencing once (may-point-to), used for lval writes and shallow special accesses.
+ [deref=true], [reach=true] - Access [exp] by dereferencing transitively (reachable), used for deep special accesses. *)
let access_one_top ?(force=false) ?(deref=false) ctx (kind: AccessKind.t) reach exp =
let access_one_top ?(force=false) ?(deref=false) man (kind: AccessKind.t) reach exp =
if M.tracing then M.traceli "access" "access_one_top %a (kind = %a, reach = %B, deref = %B)" CilType.Exp.pretty exp AccessKind.pretty kind reach deref;
if force || !collect_local || !emit_single_threaded || ThreadFlag.has_ever_been_multi (Analyses.ask_of_ctx ctx) then (
if force || !collect_local || !emit_single_threaded || ThreadFlag.has_ever_been_multi (Analyses.ask_of_man man) then (
if deref && Cil.isPointerType (Cilfacade.typeOf exp) then (* avoid dereferencing integers to unknown pointers, which cause many spurious type-based accesses *)
do_access ctx kind reach exp;
do_access man kind reach exp;
if M.tracing then M.tracei "access" "distribute_access_exp";
Access.distribute_access_exp (do_access ctx Read false) exp;
Access.distribute_access_exp (do_access man Read false) exp;
if M.tracing then M.traceu "access" "distribute_access_exp";
if M.tracing then M.traceu "access" "access_one_top"

(** We just lift start state, global and dependency functions: *)
let startstate v = ()
let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [()]
let threadenter man ~multiple lval f args = [()]
let exitstate v = ()
let context ctx fd d = ()
let context man fd d = ()

(** Transfer functions: *)

let vdecl ctx v =
access_one_top ctx Read false (SizeOf v.vtype);
let vdecl man v =
access_one_top man Read false (SizeOf v.vtype);

let assign ctx lval rval : D.t =
let assign man lval rval : D.t =
(* ignore global inits *)
if !AnalysisState.global_initialization then ctx.local else begin
access_one_top ~deref:true ctx Write false (AddrOf lval);
access_one_top ctx Read false rval;
if !AnalysisState.global_initialization then man.local else begin
access_one_top ~deref:true man Write false (AddrOf lval);
access_one_top man Read false rval;

let branch ctx exp tv : D.t =
access_one_top ctx Read false exp;
let branch man exp tv : D.t =
access_one_top man Read false exp;

let return ctx exp fundec : D.t =
let return man exp fundec : D.t =
begin match exp with
| Some exp -> access_one_top ctx Read false exp
| Some exp -> access_one_top man Read false exp
| None -> ()

let body ctx f : D.t =
let body man f : D.t =

let special ctx lv f arglist : D.t =
let special man lv f arglist : D.t =
let desc = LF.find f in
match desc.special arglist with
(* TODO: remove Lock/Unlock cases when all those libraryfunctions use librarydescs and don't read mutex contents *)
| Lock _
| Unlock _ ->
| _ ->
LibraryDesc.Accesses.iter desc.accs (fun {kind; deep = reach} exp ->
access_one_top ~deref:true ctx kind reach exp (* access dereferenced using special accesses *)
access_one_top ~deref:true man kind reach exp (* access dereferenced using special accesses *)
) arglist;
(match lv with
| Some x -> access_one_top ~deref:true ctx Write false (AddrOf x)
| Some x -> access_one_top ~deref:true man Write false (AddrOf x)
| None -> ());
List.iter (access_one_top ctx Read false) arglist; (* always read all argument expressions without dereferencing *)
List.iter (access_one_top man Read false) arglist; (* always read all argument expressions without dereferencing *)

let enter ctx lv f args : (D.t * D.t) list =
let enter man lv f args : (D.t * D.t) list =

let combine_env ctx lval fexp f args fc au f_ask =
let combine_env man lval fexp f args fc au f_ask =
(* These should be in enter, but enter cannot emit events, nor has fexp argument *)
access_one_top ctx Read false fexp;
List.iter (access_one_top ctx Read false) args;
access_one_top man Read false fexp;
List.iter (access_one_top man Read false) args;

let combine_assign ctx lv fexp f args fc al f_ask =
let combine_assign man lv fexp f args fc al f_ask =
begin match lv with
| None -> ()
| Some lval -> access_one_top ~deref:true ctx Write false (AddrOf lval)
| Some lval -> access_one_top ~deref:true man Write false (AddrOf lval)

let threadspawn ctx ~multiple lval f args fctx =
let threadspawn man ~multiple lval f args fman =
(* must explicitly access thread ID lval because special to pthread_create doesn't if singlethreaded before *)
begin match lval with
| None -> ()
| Some lval -> access_one_top ~force:true ~deref:true ctx Write false (AddrOf lval) (* must force because otherwise doesn't if singlethreaded before *)
| Some lval -> access_one_top ~force:true ~deref:true man Write false (AddrOf lval) (* must force because otherwise doesn't if singlethreaded before *)

let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
let query man (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
match q with
| MayAccessed ->
( ctx.node: G.t)
( man.node: G.t)
| _ -> q

let event ctx e octx =
let event man e oman =
match e with
| Events.Access {ad; kind; _} when !collect_local && !AnalysisState.postsolving ->
let events = Queries.AD.fold (fun addr es ->
Expand All @@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ struct
| _ -> es
) ad (G.empty ())
ctx.sideg ctx.node events
man.sideg man.node events
| _ ->

let _ =
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -12,25 +12,25 @@ struct
(* The first component are the longjmp targets, the second are the longjmp callers *)
module D = JmpBufDomain.ActiveLongjmps

let special ctx (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let special man (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let desc = LibraryFunctions.find f in
match desc.special arglist, f.vname with
| Longjmp {env; value}, _ ->
(* Set target to current value of env *)
let bufs = ctx.ask (EvalJumpBuf env) in
bufs, JmpBufDomain.NodeSet.singleton(ctx.prev_node)
| _ -> ctx.local
let bufs = man.ask (EvalJumpBuf env) in
bufs, JmpBufDomain.NodeSet.singleton(man.prev_node)
| _ -> man.local

(* Initial values don't really matter: overwritten at longjmp call. *)
let startstate v = ()
let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [ ()]
let threadenter man ~multiple lval f args = [ ()]
let exitstate v = ()

let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
let query man (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
match q with
| ActiveJumpBuf ->
(* Does not compile without annotation: "This instance (...) is ambiguous: it would escape the scope of its equation" *)
| _ -> q

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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -13,24 +13,24 @@ struct
include Analyses.ValueContexts(D)
module P = IdentityP (D)

let combine_env ctx (lval:lval option) fexp (f:fundec) (args:exp list) fc (au:D.t) (f_ask:Queries.ask): D.t =
ctx.local (* keep local as opposed to IdentitySpec *)
let combine_env man (lval:lval option) fexp (f:fundec) (args:exp list) fc (au:D.t) (f_ask:Queries.ask): D.t =
man.local (* keep local as opposed to IdentitySpec *)

let special ctx (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let special man (lval: lval option) (f:varinfo) (arglist:exp list) : D.t =
let desc = LibraryFunctions.find f in
match desc.special arglist with
| Setjmp _ ->
let entry = (ctx.prev_node, ctx.control_context ()) in
D.add (Target entry) ctx.local
| _ -> ctx.local
let entry = (man.prev_node, man.control_context ()) in
D.add (Target entry) man.local
| _ -> man.local

let startstate v = ()
let threadenter ctx ~multiple lval f args = [ ()]
let threadenter man ~multiple lval f args = [ ()]
let exitstate v = ()

let query ctx (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
let query man (type a) (q: a Queries.t): a Queries.result =
match q with
| ValidLongJmp -> (ctx.local: D.t)
| ValidLongJmp -> (man.local: D.t)
| _ -> q

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