We developed a working game simulating World Conquest in Godot as a group. We followed strict agile methodology, and had a rigid chain of command that stopped any bad code from getting merged to main.
- @j0lol - Project lead & only one with
write access - @meihapps - Reviewer & QA, approved every PR before merge & enforced code quality
- @RicardoEscuderoA - Backend dev, wrote a lot of game logic near the end when requirements changed
- @raccnin - Backend dev, wrote most of the early game logic
- @0cr0wbar0 - Lead documentarian & dev support, documented every meeting and helped us actually get the marks for our work
- @Attack-Dorito - Dev support, did 3d modelling & physics simulation
This is a mirror repository. We did development on Codeberg, which is now archived for marking purposes. Future development may happen on this repository if needed.