This repository will hold slides and resources for workshops organized by Zilogic.
- Git Basics Workshop. For details see
- Dive Into Yocto, Workshop. For details see
- ARM Bare Metal Programming, Workshop. For details see
- Kernel Porting Workshop. For details see
- Git Basics
- Git Object Model
- Git Remotes
- Advanced Git Features
- Install asciidoc
- Install build-essential
After installation you can navigate to each session and then build the slides
$ cd kernel-boot
$ make
$ firefox slides.html
- Autotools
- Manual Rootfs
- BitBake Intro
- BitBake Rootfs
- BitBake Layers
- Debian Packaging
- BitBake Data Model
- BitBake Packaging
- Yocto Introduction
- Yocto Getting Started
- Yocto Customization
- Yocto Internals