Puppet module for managing NFS.
Ports are static and hardcoded, firewall configuration too. PR welcome :)
Based on old version of camptocamp/puppet-nfs module.
You have to configure your puppetmaster so that exported ressources will work.
Client node
node "my-nfs-client" {
include nfs::client
nfs::mount {"my mounted one":
share => '/srv/nfs/myshare',
mountpoint => '/mnt/nfs/myshare',
ensure => present,
server => "nfs.mydomain.ltd",
nfs::mount {"my unwanted one":
share => '/srv/nfs/myshare',
mountpoint => '/mnt/nfs/myshare',
ensure => absent,
server => "nfs.mydomain.ltd",
Server node
node "my-nfs-server" {
include nfs::server
nfs::export { 'NFS export':
share => '/mnt/nfs/share',
options => 'rw,no_root_squash',
guest => 'xxx.xxx.xxx.*',