Processing sketch that receives commands from the Bare Conductive Pi Cap via OSC and triggers animations in MadMapper via OSC.
- Raspberry Pi or Pi Zero with Pi Cap
- Processing 3.0+ with controlP5 library 2.2.5+ installed and oscp5 library 0.9.8+ installed
- MadMapper and projector
Close the Processing IDE if you have it open.
Download the .zip or clone the repository to your local machine - if downloading the .zip, extract the contents somewhere that suits you.
Take the picap_madmapper folder and move it to Processing Sketchbook Folder. This will be different for each operating system:
My Documents\Processing
Linux (Ubuntu)
If this folder does not exist, create it first.
Reopen the Processing IDE - you should now be able to open the sketch in the File -> Sketchbook menu.
This work is licensed under a MIT license
Copyright (c) 2017, Bare Conductive