Notes on configuration for my personal website.
- index.markdown: Contains information for the homepage
- education.markdown: Contains information about my schooling
- experience.markdown: Contains information about my work experience
- research.markdown: Contains links to research projects
- _config.yml: Contains primary website metadata and configuration parameters, including settings for:
- Title and description of webpage
- Google Analytics tracking
- Links in title bar
- Website theme
- Social media links
- 404.html: A custom 404 page in case someone reaches a dead link from my website
- CNAME: A document listing custom web domains
- /documents/: A folder to store any PDFs present on the website
- /images/: A folder to store any pictures present on the website
- _includes: Folder containing content for every page; automatically generated
- Gemfile: Ruby system file for Jekyll
- Gemfile.lock: Ruby system file for Jekyll