This role installs Nginx along with config files.
Default config files will be installed by the role if the following variables are not defined in the playbook.
The following variables are required to customize the Nginx install. The variables should point to the location of the customized files.
For example,
nginx_conf: group_files/<hostgroup>/nginx/nginx.conf
nginx_confd_dir: group_files/<hostgroup>/nginx/conf.d
nginx_sites_available_dir: group_files/<hostgroup>/nginx/sites-available
nginx_ssl_keys: group_files/<hostgroup>/nginx/ssl/key/
nginx_ssl_crts: group_files/<hostgroup>/nginx/ssl/crt/
All Nginx config files should be located in the directories stated by the above variables. When nginx_conf, nginx_confd_dir and nginx_sites_dir are not defined, default values set within the role are used.