This repository contains the final project on applying reinforcement learning algorithms for autonomous drone navigation and obstacle avoidance.
The aim of this project is to leverage reinforcement learning algorithms, specifically Q-Learning and SARSA, to plan an optimal path for drones navigating through complex environments. The goal is to avoid collisions while finding the most efficient route. The Q-Learning algorithm has proven to outperform SARSA in terms of distance covered and learning efficiency.
- 2D environment simulation for drone navigation.
- Q-Learning and SARSA algorithms implemented for obstacle avoidance.
- Customizable environment creation using Python’s Pygame library.
- Performance comparison between algorithms based on distance covered and efficiency.
- Hybrid SARSA/Q-Learning algorithm.
- Python: Core programming language.
- Pygame: For 2D environment simulation and rendering.
- Numpy: For mathematical calculations.
- OpenAI Gym: To manage the drone’s interaction with the environment.
- Pickle: For saving and loading environment data.
To set up and run the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd drone_ai
├── # Script to create and load the drone environment.
├── # Defines the agent's (drone's) behavior.
├── # Main file to train the agent and run simulations.
├── environments/ # Folder containing environment maps.
├── results/ # Folder to store training results.
├── videos/ # Folder containing demo videos of the drone training.
├── requirements.txt # Dependencies required for the project.
└── # Project documentation.
- Environment Creation: Users can generate 2D grid-based maps with obstacles. The agent (drone) navigates these maps.
- Training the Drone: The drone uses Q-Learning or SARSA to learn the optimal path over several iterations by maximizing cumulative rewards based on its actions.
- Comparison: Performance metrics, such as distance covered and learning efficiency, are compared between the algorithms (Q-Learning, SARSA, and Hybrid SARSA/Q-Learning).
- Q-Learning demonstrated the best performance, with a total distance covered of 137,979 cells in 1000 iterations.
- Hybrid Algorithm covered 224,402 cells, while SARSA covered 2,671,286 cells, indicating significantly slower convergence.
You can find the detailed analysis and results in the results/
- Deep Q-Learning: Implementing Deep Q-Learning to improve generalization in more complex environments and allow the agent to operate effectively in environments of larger dimensions.
- 3D Environment: Moving from a 2D to a 3D simulation to better represent real-world drone navigation challenges.
- Physical Implementation: Implementing the algorithm on an actual drone for real-time obstacle avoidance, with dynamic obstacles and environment factors such as changing weather conditions.
- Training at iteration 1: 0loop.mp4
- After 1000 iterations with Q-Learning: qlearning1000loop.mp4
- After 1000 iterations with Hybrid SARSA/Q-Learning: hybrid1000loop.mp4