DianFreya Math Physics Simulator is a book that explain how to create Mathematics and Physics simulation from zero.
When you are interested in science and want to prove classical mechanics computation through computer simulation till quantum mechanics, C++ can come in handy. We are going to use popular Physics library Box2D and ReactPhysics3D, modify them and analyze the results. As a bonus, we also include an example with Bullet Physics, but mainly we stay with Box2D that is more simple and easy to follow.
The book:
DianFreya Math Physics Simulator Book |
Click |
it is not finished yet, our goal is to finish major sections and chapters in Fundamental of Physics book and some Mathematics simulation like Heat Equation PDE, Numerical Integration, Numerical Differentiation. I have to postpone Lasthrim Projection writing due to this (turns out Physics is more fun than Mathematics alone)
Go to a directory specified to learn this, then open terminal / xterm and type:
git clone https://github.com/glanzkaiser/DFSimulatorC.git
How to build can be seen at this: https://youtu.be/6FK19XRSh6U
Name | Simulation |
Circular Motion | |
Gravity | |
Newton's First Law | |
Projectile Dropped | |
Simple Pendulum |
- Fundamental of Physics 10th Edition, David Halliday, Jearl Walker, Robert Resnick
- Box2D
- Bullet Physics
- ReactPhysics3D
- OpenGL, GLEW, GLFW, SFML, SOIL (I make the full references tidy in the book)