- install GVM, the command-line tool for installing Groovy-friendly projects :-)
curl -s | bash
- lazybones is a template project generator/installer that way you can create a Ratpack app easily
gvm install lazybones
mkdir ratpacktest
cd ratpacktest
- create a demo ratpack app
lazybones create ratpack .
- potentially give Gradle a bit more memory to avoid a Java Heap Space error later on
export GRADLE_OPTS=-Xmx1024m
- use the distZip task to create the archive to be uploaded on CloudFoundry
./gradlew distZip
- let's setup the CloudFoundry access (we assumed you have installed the cf command-line tooling with
gem install cf
cf target
cf login --email myemail --password mypassword
cf switch-space development
- create a manifest.yml file as follows, in particular, notice the usage of the Java buildpack that Ben Hale developed with specific Ratpack support that will soon be deployed on
- name: ratpacktest
memory: 512M
instances: 1
host: ratpacktest
path: build/distributions/
- and then, you should be able to deploy your Ratpack application to CloudFoundry with:
cf push