Platform: Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition) with GNOME Wayland
Java (OpenJDK): sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk-
Create symbolic links for the software tools:
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s ~/nand2tetris/tools/ HardwareSimulator
$ chmod +x HardwareSimulator
$ ln -s ~/nand2tetris/tools/ CPUEmulator
$ chmod +x CPUEmulator
$ ln -s ~/nand2tetris/tools/ VMEmulator
$ chmod +x VMEmulator
$ ln -s ~/nand2tetris/tools/ Assembler
$ chmod +x Assembler
$ ln -s ~/nand2tetris/tools/ JackCompiler
$ chmod +x JackCompiler
The Hack computer is based on Harvard architecture (two separate address spaces), unlike most multi-purpose computers based on von Neumann architecture (single address space for storing both programs and data).
The Jack language is based on Java (object-based instead of object-oriented) but the compiler is written in Python (dynamically-typed interpreted).
Even though both Java and Python generate bytecode, they are quite different. I used the function and variable names (mixedCase
) given in the textbook instead of following the Python conventions (lower_case_with_underscores