Repository using submodules for ntuple-based analysis (at PSI T3).
You need ROOT or CMSSW to get started, here CMSSW will be used, and the installation will be done into a new directory:
mkdir Analysis
cd Analysis
source /cvmfs/
cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_20
cd CMSSW_8_0_20/src
cd ../..
Then get this repository, before fork of it and then:
git clone
git checkout -b my_branch
cd SFrameAnalysis
To execute the analysis and get the final tree,
cd TauTauResonances/
sframe_main config/TauTauAnalysis_config_miniAODv2.xml
This will give you Myroot_mutau.root and Myroot_eletau.root, which includes all the necessary variables for the analysis