An ASP.Net WebRole which downloads and installs Strawberry Perl, and then uses to schedule the running of perl scripts.
VS2010 Instructions:
- Open solution
- Use nuget to retrieve Quartz.Net and its dependencies
- Download 7za.exe, the 7-Zip Command Line Version, available here: Place this in the root of WebRole1 and set “Copy to Output Directory” to “Copy always”.
- Edit downloadPerl.ps1 and set the url to the strawberry perl zip file.
- Build and Run
Because the startup task downloads a large zip file and extracts it, the startup will take longer than normal.
You can view the startup logs by browsing to this directory: \approot\bin\startuplogs
In the development environment, during debugging, this would be under [Your Cloud Project]\csx\Debug\roles\WebRoot1. In the cloud I found this under an E:\ or F:\ drive (while connecting via RDP).
Also in \approot\bin you can find the perl zip download (during/after it's been downloaded), and the perl install in \p (during/after it's been installed).