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Merge pull request #16393 from github/redsun82/lfs
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Bazel: improved lazy lfs files
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redsun82 authored May 3, 2024
2 parents 95ff5ba + 6cbe16e commit 880262d
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Showing 4 changed files with 221 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .lfsconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# codeql is publicly forked by many users, and we don't want any LFS file polluting their working
# copies. We therefore exclude everything by default.
# For files required by bazel builds, use rules in `misc/bazel/lfs.bzl` to download them on demand.
fetchinclude = /nothing
Empty file added misc/bazel/internal/BUILD.bazel
Empty file.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions misc/bazel/internal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Probe lfs files.
For each source file provided as output, this will print:
* "local", if the source file is not an LFS pointer
* the sha256 hash, a space character and a transient download link obtained via the LFS protocol otherwise

import sys
import pathlib
import subprocess
import os
import shutil
import json
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import re
import base64
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Endpoint:
href: str
headers: dict[str, str]

def update_headers(self, d: dict[str, str]):
self.headers.update((k.capitalize(), v) for k, v in d.items())

sources = [pathlib.Path(arg).resolve() for arg in sys.argv[1:]]
source_dir = pathlib.Path(os.path.commonpath(src.parent for src in sources))
source_dir = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], cwd=source_dir, text=True).strip()

def get_env(s, sep="="):
ret = {}
for m in re.finditer(fr'(.*?){sep}(.*)', s, re.M):
return ret

def git(*args, **kwargs):
return"git",) + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, cwd=source_dir, **kwargs).stdout.strip()

def get_endpoint():
lfs_env = get_env(subprocess.check_output(["git", "lfs", "env"], text=True, cwd=source_dir))
endpoint = next(v for k, v in lfs_env.items() if k.startswith('Endpoint'))
endpoint, _, _ = endpoint.partition(' ')
ssh_endpoint = lfs_env.get(" SSH")
endpoint = Endpoint(endpoint, {
"Content-Type": "application/vnd.git-lfs+json",
"Accept": "application/vnd.git-lfs+json",
if ssh_endpoint:
# see
server, _, path = ssh_endpoint.partition(":")
ssh_command = shutil.which(os.environ.get("GIT_SSH", os.environ.get("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "ssh")))
assert ssh_command, "no ssh command found"
resp = json.loads(subprocess.check_output([ssh_command, server, "git-lfs-authenticate", path, "download"]))
endpoint.href = resp.get("href", endpoint)
endpoint.update_headers(resp.get("header", {}))
url = urlparse(endpoint.href)
# this is how actions/checkout persist credentials
# see
auth = git("config", f"http.{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}/.extraheader")
endpoint.update_headers(get_env(auth, sep=": "))
if "GITHUB_TOKEN" in os.environ:
endpoint.headers["Authorization"] = f"token {os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']}"
if "Authorization" not in endpoint.headers:
# last chance: use git credentials (possibly backed by a credential helper like the one installed by gh)
# see
credentials = get_env(git("credential", "fill", check=True,
# drop leading / from url.path
auth = base64.b64encode(f'{credentials["username"]}:{credentials["password"]}'.encode()).decode('ascii')
endpoint.headers["Authorization"] = f"Basic {auth}"
return endpoint

# see
def get_locations(objects):
endpoint = get_endpoint()
indexes = [i for i, o in enumerate(objects) if o]
ret = ["local" for _ in objects]
req = urllib.request.Request(
"operation": "download",
"transfers": ["basic"],
"objects": [o for o in objects if o],
"hash_algo": "sha256",
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as resp:
data = json.load(resp)
assert len(data["objects"]) == len(indexes), f"received {len(data)} objects, expected {len(indexes)}"
for i, resp in zip(indexes, data["objects"]):
ret[i] = f'{resp["oid"]} {resp["actions"]["download"]["href"]}'
return ret

def get_lfs_object(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as fileobj:
lfs_header = "version".encode()
actual_header =
sha256 = size = None
if lfs_header != actual_header:
return None
data = get_env('ascii'), sep=' ')
assert data['oid'].startswith('sha256:'), f"unknown oid type: {data['oid']}"
_, _, sha256 = data['oid'].partition(':')
size = int(data['size'])
return {"oid": sha256, "size": size}

objects = [get_lfs_object(src) for src in sources]
for resp in get_locations(objects):
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions misc/bazel/lfs.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
def lfs_smudge(repository_ctx, srcs, extract = False, stripPrefix = None):
for src in srcs:
script = Label("//misc/bazel/")
python = repository_ctx.which("python3") or repository_ctx.which("python")
if not python:
fail("Neither python3 nor python executables found")
repository_ctx.report_progress("querying LFS url(s) for: %s" % ", ".join([src.basename for src in srcs]))
res = repository_ctx.execute([python, script] + srcs, quiet = True)
if res.return_code != 0:
fail("git LFS probing failed while instantiating @%s:\n%s" % (, res.stderr))
promises = []
for src, loc in zip(srcs, res.stdout.splitlines()):
if loc == "local":
if extract:
repository_ctx.report_progress("extracting local %s" % src.basename)
repository_ctx.extract(src, stripPrefix = stripPrefix)
repository_ctx.report_progress("symlinking local %s" % src.basename)
repository_ctx.symlink(src, src.basename)
sha256, _, url = loc.partition(" ")
if extract:
# we can't use skylib's `paths.split_extension`, as that only gets the last extension, so `.tar.gz`
# or similar wouldn't work
# it doesn't matter if file is something like and possible_extension == "",
# download_and_extract will just append "" its internal temporary name, so extraction works
possible_extension = ".".join(src.basename.rsplit(".", 2)[-2:])
repository_ctx.report_progress("downloading and extracting remote %s" % src.basename)
repository_ctx.download_and_extract(url, sha256 = sha256, stripPrefix = stripPrefix, type = possible_extension)
repository_ctx.report_progress("downloading remote %s" % src.basename), src.basename, sha256 = sha256)

def _download_and_extract_lfs(repository_ctx):
attr = repository_ctx.attr
src = repository_ctx.path(attr.src)
if attr.build_file_content and attr.build_file:
fail("You should specify only one among build_file_content and build_file for rule @%s" %
lfs_smudge(repository_ctx, [src], extract = True, stripPrefix = attr.strip_prefix)
if attr.build_file_content:
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", attr.build_file_content)
elif attr.build_file:
repository_ctx.symlink(attr.build_file, "BUILD.bazel")

def _download_lfs(repository_ctx):
attr = repository_ctx.attr
if int(bool(attr.srcs)) + int(bool(attr.dir)) != 1:
fail("Exactly one between `srcs` and `dir` must be defined for @%s" %
if attr.srcs:
srcs = [repository_ctx.path(src) for src in attr.srcs]
dir = repository_ctx.path(attr.dir)
if not dir.is_dir:
fail("`dir` not a directory in @%s" %
srcs = [f for f in dir.readdir() if not f.is_dir]
lfs_smudge(repository_ctx, srcs)

# with bzlmod the name is qualified with `~` separators, and we want the base name here
name ="~")[-1]
repository_ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", """
name = "{name}",
srcs = {files},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
""".format(name = name, files = repr([src.basename for src in srcs])))

lfs_archive = repository_rule(
doc = "Export the contents from an on-demand LFS archive. The corresponding path should be added to be ignored " +
"in `.lfsconfig`.",
implementation = _download_and_extract_lfs,
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(mandatory = True, doc = "Local path to the LFS archive to extract."),
"build_file_content": attr.string(doc = "The content for the BUILD file for this repository. " +
"Either build_file or build_file_content can be specified, but not both."),
"build_file": attr.label(doc = "The file to use as the BUILD file for this repository. " +
"Either build_file or build_file_content can be specified, but not both."),
"strip_prefix": attr.string(default = "", doc = "A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files. "),

lfs_files = repository_rule(
doc = "Export LFS files for on-demand download. Exactly one between `srcs` and `dir` must be defined. The " +
"corresponding paths should be added to be ignored in `.lfsconfig`.",
implementation = _download_lfs,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(doc = "Local paths to the LFS files to export."),
"dir": attr.label(doc = "Local path to a directory containing LFS files to export. Only the direct contents " +
"of the directory are exported"),

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