ARLAS-subscriptions is a service used to generate notification orders (i.e. a message containing information to be pushed to a user by a notification service [not provided by ARLAS]), according to some criteria subscribed by a user on an ARLAS-server collection (e.g. a user wants to be notified of any new 'document' created in Europe).
The service relies on ARLAS-server to perform its logic. On top of the 'document' collection already configured to be displayed by ARLAS, a new collection is to be created to manage the 'subscriptions'.
It is composed of 2 components:
: kafka based service (consumer and producer) receiving new events related to ARLAS server 'documents' and executing the matching logic on ARLAS server subscriptions collection. When matching documents are found, a kafka message is produced (aka notification order)Manager
: REST based API used to interact with the subscriptions' database (comprised of a MongoDB database and an Elasticsearch index).- Create subscriptions
- Read one or a list of subscription(s)
- Update subscriptions
- Delete subscriptions
The manager
exposes two sets of API: one aimed at end-users and one aimed at administrator or operational users. Access
control must be setup in order to prevent misusage of the endpoints.
An authentication mechanism based on an HTTP header can optionally be activated (see configuration) to manage user rights, but the service managing security and user rights is not provided nor managed by ARLAS. Please contact us if you need support on this matter.
The service relies on the following external components:
- Kafka (1.1.1) and Zookeeper
- MongoDB (3.4)
- Elasticsearch
- ARLAS-server
A 'subscription' index has to be created in Elasticsearch.
curl -XPUT 'http://$ELASTIC_HOST:9200/subscription'
curl -XPUT 'http://$ELASTIC_HOST:9200/subscription/sub_type/_mapping' -d example.mapping.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
The trigger
property of the mapping must conform to a JSON schema defined according to your 'document' index
and provided to the manager
in its startup configuration (see ARLAS_SUB_TRIG_SCHEM_PATH
in [Manager configuration]).
An example of mapping and trigger JSON schema can be found in the docs directory of the project.
The related collection must also be created in ARLAS Server. For instance:
curl -X PUT "http://$ARLAS_HOST:9999/arlas/collections/subscriptions?pretty=false" \
-H "accept: application/json;charset=utf-8" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8" \
-d "{\"index_name\": \"subscriptions\", \"type_name\": \"sub_type\", \"id_path\": \"id\", \"geometry_path\": \"geometry\", \"centroid_path\": \"centroid\", \"timestamp_path\": \"created_at\"}"
The manager
and matcher
can then be started.
Environment variable name | Description | Example |
MONGO_HOST | Mongo list of host:port | mongo1:27017,mongo2:27017 |
MONGO_USERNAME | Mongo user | mongouser |
MONGO_PASSWORD | Mongo password | secret |
MONGO_AUTH_DATABASE | Mongo database used for authentication | admin |
MONGO_DATABASE | Mongo database where the subscription manager data is stored | subscription |
ARLAS_SUB_ELASTIC_NODES | Elasticsearch server:port containing the subscriptions index | localhost:9200 |
ARLAS_SUB_ELASTIC_SNIFFING | Elasticsearch client sniffing | false |
ARLAS_SUB_ELASTIC_CLUSTER | Elasticsearch cluster name containing the subscriptions index | elasticsearch |
ARLAS_SUB_ELASTIC_INDEX | Elasticsearch index name for the subscriptions | subscription |
ARLAS_SUB_ELASTIC_TYPE | Elasticsearch type for the subscriptions | sub_type |
ARLAS_SUB_GEOM_KEY | Property name of the trigger in the subscription mapping containing the geometry (mandatory) | geometry |
ARLAS_SUB_CENT_KEY | Property name of the trigger in the subscription mapping containing the centroid (optional; is calculated from the geometry if absent) | centroid |
ARLAS_SUB_IDENTITY_HEADER | HTTP header name containing the user id | (empty) |
ARLAS_SUB_IDENTITY_ADMIN | User id for admin endpoints | admin |
ARLAS_SUB_TRIG_SCHEM_PATH | Path to the trigger JSON schema (mandatory) | /opt/app/trigger.schema.json |
ARLAS_SUB_TRIG_SCHEM_PATH_LOCAL | Local path to the trigger JSON schema which should be mounted in the docker container | ./subscriptions-tests/src/test/resources/trigger.schema.json |
Environment variable name | Description | Example |
KAFKA_BROKERS | Server name:port of the kafka broker to use | kafka:9092 |
KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT | Kafka consumer poll timeout (ms) | 10 |
KAFKA_COMMIT_MAX_RETRIES | Number of commit retries in case of failure before exiting | 3 |
KAFKA_BATCH_SIZE | Kafka consumer batch size | 10 |
KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID | Kafka consumer group id | subscription_events_consumer_group |
KAFKA_TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENTS | Kafka consumer topic for new events | subscription_events |
KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_ORDERS | Kafka producer topic for notification order | notification_orders |
ARLAS_SUBSCRIPTIONS_BASE_PATH | ARLAS server for the subscriptions collection | http://localhost:9999/arlas |
(removed in v25+, replaced by ARLAS_SUBSCRIPTIONS_COLLECTION) ARLAS_SUBSCRIPTIONS_SEARCH_ENDPOINT | ARLAS server search endpoint for the subscriptions collection | /explore/subscriptions/_search |
(new in v25+) ARLAS_SUBSCRIPTIONS_COLLECTION_NAME | ARLAS server subscriptions collection | subscriptions |
ARLAS_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FILTER_ROOT | ARLAS server filter request to be applied to the subscription collection in order to find matching subscriptions | f=subscription.trigger.geometry:intersects:(object.geometry)&f=subscription.trigger.event:eq:(event)&f=subscription.trigger.job:eq:(object.job)&f=active:eq:true&f=deleted:eq:false&f=expires_at:gt:now&f=starts_at:lte:now&sort=id} |
ARLAS_SERVER_BASE_PATH | ARLAS server for the documents collection | http://localhost:9999/arlas |
(removed in v25+, replaced by ARLAS_SERVER_COLLECTION) ARLAS_SERVER_SEARCH_ENDPOINT | ARLAS server search endpoint for the documents collection | /explore/geodata/_search |
(new in v25+) ARLAS_SERVER_COLLECTION_NAME | ARLAS server documents collection | geodata |
ARLAS_SERVER_FILTER_ROOT | ARLAS server filter request to be applied to the documents collection in order to find matching documents | f=id:eq:( |
mvn clean package
Warning: ARLAS_SUB_TRIG_SCHEM_PATH and ARLAS_SUB_TRIG_SCHEM_PATH_LOCAL must be set. See [Manager configuration]
docker compose up -d
If needed the ES index can be rebuilt by following these steps:
0 - Stop the matcher
1 - Make sure there are no ongoing request to any endpoint of the Manager (to be found under /arlas-subscriptions-manager
) and disallow access to it
2 - If the index mapping already exist, delete it:
curl -XDELETE "$ELASTIC_HOST:9200/subscription"
3 - Recreate the index (see [Pre-requisites]) 4 - Call the following task (it will synchronise the content of MongoDB into ES):
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9998/admin/tasks/MongoDB-to-ES-sync
5 - Start the matcher
Logs of the process are available in the Manager
container logs.
6 - Allow access to the Manager' endpoints again
ARLAS-subscriptions is packaged as a Helm chart, which can be found here: helm/arlas-subscriptions (documentation embedded).