extract GPS traces from file and analyze them to reveal movement types
movementtypes is available on pypi, https://pypi.python.org/pypi/movementtypes/0.1.1
$ pip install movementtypes
CSV file format requirements
- The file must be include column headings.
- Character encodings such as BIG-5 have been converted to UTF-8.
Required columns in the CSV file
id, lat, lng, alt, time
Columns in the CSV file
- id: specific id number for identity field
- lat,lng: if the position information is DMS format(Degrees, minutes and seconds), you need to convert to decimal degrees
- time: this value can be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or ISO 8601 date and time format
import movementtypes as mvt
df = mvt.mvtypes("data/gps-trajectory.csv")
# using the KDE module to choose an optimal bandwidth
# check the result
# using calVelocity
print(df.calVelocity(df.data.iloc[17], df.data.iloc[18][:-1], df.data.iloc[19]))
# classify speed based on the result
Public GPS traces on OSM https://www.openstreetmap.org/traces
(gpx2csv can convert the GPX file to valid CSV files)
# path can be your file path or public gpx link
mvt.convert.gpx2csv("https://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/2550408/data", 'osmdata')
df = mvt.mvtypes('osmdata.csv')
$ mvtypes --help
Usage: mvtypes [OPTIONS] PATH OUTPUT
path: file path
output: output file
--threshold INTEGER the default threshold setting is 15 minutes by
clustering the dataset before calculating velocity
--inepsg INTEGER input projection, default is 4326
--outepsg INTEGER coverting coordinates from inEPSG to outEPSG for
calculating the point of velocity, default is 3857
--help Show this message and exit.