Random Coughing, Wheezing, Sneezing, Throat-clearing noises on a Raspberry Pi (or similar Linux systems)
(On a Raspberry Pi under Raspbian with the default user pi that also has sudo rights to install a systemd service)
- Clone/download the project
git clone https://github.com/giddyhup/Sneaze.git
- Execute as user pi:
mkdir ~/sounds
# copy the WAV files to the directory (feel free to add your own)
mkdir ~/sounds/temp
mkdir ~/sounds/interim
mkdir -p ~/bin # if it doesn't exist
cd Sneaze
cp -r sounds ~/
cp sneaze.py ~/bin/
chmod +x ~/bin/sneaze.py
sudo cp sneaze.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable sneaze.service
sudo systemctl start sneaze.service
If either of the files "~/muted" or "~/radio_is_on" exist, output is muted and random timer starts anew.