Subquery is a Web3 Foundation Open Grant Project. This repo includes examples that we made to demonstrate how to use subquery.
Example | Description | Keywords |
extrinsic-finalized-block | Index extrinsics and so they can be queried by hash. | blockHandler |
extrinsic-history | Index historic extrinsic data (source, destination, amount, fees), so it can be queried by extrinsic hash. | blockHandler |
block-timestamp | Indexes timestamp of each finalized block. | callHandler |
sum-reward | Indexes staking bond, reward and slash from events of finalized block. | eventHandler |
kitty | Indexes birthinfo of kitties. | callHandler, eventHandler, customTypes |
validator-threshold | Indexes the least staking amount required for a validator to be elected. | blockHandler, @polkadot/api |
entity-relation | Indexes balance transfers between accounts, also indexes utility batchAll to find out the content of the extrinsic calls | One-to-many, many-to-many relationship |