This is is a simple Eww widget whit a little twist, is based on text. It's my personal solution to all those new trends that kinda copy each others.
- ✅ Display time
- ✅ Shortcut for screenshot
- ✅ Rclone status
- ✅ Audio shortcut (Click for toggle mute, scroll to set volume)
- ✅ Arch linux Package monitor update
- ✅ Basic action (Boot, Reboot, open Browser etc)
External programs that i use :
- Rclone (Cloud Sync)
- Pamixer (Audio)
- Grim and Slurp for Screenshot on Wayland
- Clone the repo
git clone ~/.config/eww/
- Start Eww daemon
eww daemon
- Start wordClock
eww -c ~/.config/eww/eww-wordClock/wordClock/ open clockWindow
Project Link: