Menudo generates a week of meal suggestions based on daily options and variables within each option.
python3 X
where X is the index of the week, results in a plan based on the predefined variables:
| Day | Dish |
| Monday | guisado de alubias |
| Tuesday | pasta con bolognesa + ensalada verde |
| Wednesday | wraps de verduras y pollo |
| Thursday | huevos revueltos + crema de verduras |
| Friday | asado de patatas, verduras y tofu |
| Saturday | BARRA LIBRE |
| Sunday | arroz español |
For different values of X different plans are generated:
| Day | Dish |
| Monday | guisado de lentejas |
| Tuesday | pasta con pollo y aguacate + ensalada verde |
| Wednesday | couscous |
| Thursday | huevos revueltos + ensalada de tomate |
| Friday | asado de patatas, verduras y seitan |
| Saturday | BARRA LIBRE |
| Sunday | arroz español |
Generating a 8 week plan is as simple as executing
for j in `seq 1 8`; do echo "week $j"; python3 $j ; done
In order to customize the menu options all that is needed is editing