- Virtualbox or libvirt (kvm)
- Vagrant
- openssh-sftp-server
You may need to change the value of the BRIDGE
envvar depending on your actual setup
vagrant up
(orvagrant up --provider=$YOUR_PREFERRED_PROVIDER
)- have a coffee
vagrang ssh
(will get you to thecontrol
VM) -
run ansible playbooks
cd src/ansible`
ansible-playbook apt.yml
ansible-playbook base.yml
ansible-playbook no-swap.yml
ansible-playbook master.yml
ansible-playbook node.yml
ansible-playbook control.yml
ansible-playbook master.yml
ansible-playbook master.yml -e k8s_extra_opts="--kubernetes-version=v1.19.2"
in the control
VM, these aliases will prove useful:
echo "alias each='ansible -e ansible_become=yes all -a'"
echo "alias keach='ansible -e ansible_become=yes k8s -a'"
- keep an eye on non master nodes
watch -n1 kubectl get node -l "'kubernetes.io/hostname != master'"
- reset non master nodes then the master
keach 'kubeadm -f reset' --limit k8s-nodes
k delete node -l kubernetes.io/hostname=master-
- reset netfilter tables
keach 'sh -c "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT ; iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT ; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT ; iptables -t nat -F ; iptables -t mangle -F ; iptables -F ; iptables -X"'
- check netfilter tables status
keach 'iptables -vnL'