Awesome GIS is for collecting the geographic information system (GIS) related sources, including cartographer tools, geoanalysis tools, developing tools, data, conference & communities, news, MOOC's course, some amazing map site, etc.
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Inspired by Awesome Python.
Table Of Contents:
- Desktop Application
- 3D Application
- Web Map Server
- Front-end Framework
- iOS & Android
- Geospatial Library (non-web)
- Spatial Database
- Map Render Engine
- Data Format
- Saas
- Data
- Conference & Communities
- News Site
- Amazing Map Site
- Related Resources
- Geospatial Start-ups And Companies
- ArcGIS - A enterprise level desktop GIS software published by Ersi
- QGIS - A cross-platform free and open-source desktop GIS software
- GeoDa - An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis
- GRASS GIS - Used for geospatial data management and analysis, as a founding member of OSGEO
- uDig - An open source desktop application framework built with Eclipse
- gvSIG - A powerful, user-friendly, interoperable geomatics professionals
- Marble - A virtual globe and world atlas
- SharpMap - An mapping library in web and desktop applications built in .NET
- JUMP GIS - An open source GIS written in Java
- Whitebox GAT - Software package for geospatial analysis and data visualization
- TileMill - Creating beautiful interactive maps with CartoCSS. Github Link
- Global Mapper - A geographic information system (GIS) software package currently developed by Blue Marble Geographics that runs on Microsoft Windows
- OpenOrienteering Mapper - A software for creating maps for the orienteering sport.
- Skyline - A glimpse into Skyline's cutting-edge 3D geospatial visualization products, and their potential to transform the way your organization makes decisions, shares information and manages its assets
- CityEngine - Transform 2D GIS Data into Smart 3D City Models
- ArcGIS Earth - Display data, sketch placemarks, measure distances and areas, and add annotations at any part of the world
- World Wind - Providing features for displaying with geographic data
- Google Earth - Bringing a earth view for global mapping
- ArcGIS Server - A GIS server for enterprise application
- MapServer - Publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
- GeoServer - An open source server for sharing geospatial data
- QGIS Server - a FastCGI/CGI application written in C++ that works together with a webserver.
- deegree - An open source software for spatial data infrastructures and the geospatial web
- GeoDjango - A GIS server built with python web framework -- django
- Mapnik - An open source mapping toolkit written in C++ for desktop-based and server-based map rendering
- geomajas - An open source platform to create Web GIS applications
- GeoMOOSE - A Web Client JavaScript Framework for displaying distributed cartographic data
- mapbender3 - Publishing spatial data infrastructure services on the Symfony 2 PHP
- MapFish - A framework for building rich web-mapping applications built with Pylons Python web framework
- MapGuide - A Web Client JavaScript Framework for displaying distributed cartographic data
MapBuilder- This project has been retired in 2008- Nanocubes - An in-memory data structure for spatiotemporal data cubes. Github Link
- GeoTrellis - A geographic data processing engine for high performance applications that uses Spark to work with raster data.
- NextGIS Web - An open source framework for storage, visualization and permissions management of all kinds of geospatial data.
- OpenMapTiles Map Server - Map server running in Docker container to create vector maps and GIS applications
- Leaflet - Open-source javaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- Mapbox GL JS - A JavaScript & WebGL library that renders interactive maps from vector tiles and the Mapbox GL Style Specification
- OpenLayer3 - Open-source javascript map viewing library
- three.js - A javascript 3D library which makes WebGL simpler
- cesiumjs - An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
- webglearth2 - Open-source virtual planet web application running in any web browser with support for WebGL HTML5 standard
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Creating high-performing apps and smarter visualizations supportted by ERSI
- D3.js - A javascript library for manipulating documents based on data
- Echarts - A user-friendly data visualisation library supported by Baidu
- geomajas-client javascript - Open source javascript mapping API for cool maps and apps
- Google Maps Javascript API - A javascript api for google map
- d3-carto-map - A library for creating layer-based maps using D3
- turf.js - Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and node supported by Mapbox
- Polymaps - A JavaScript library for image- and vector-tiled maps using SVG
- jVectorMap - A vector-based, cross-browser and cross-platform component for interactive geography-related data visualization on the web. Github Link
- Tangram - A JavaScript library for rendering 2D & 3D maps live in a web browser with WebGL
- Mapv - A library of geography visualization
- maptalks.js - A light and plugable JavaScript library for integrated 2D/3D maps.
- OpenMapTiles - Set of open-source tools for self-hosting of OpenStreetMap maps in more than 50 languages. It provides both raster as well as vector tiles, WMS and WMTS services for GIS programs, support for JavaScript viewers and mobile SDK.
- ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS - Build mapping apps for iOS devices
- Google Maps API for iOS
- Mapbox iOS SDK Includes APIs for static maps, directions, and navigation.
- NextGIS iOS SDK - An open source library for iOS geo applications.
- ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android - Build native mapping apps for Android devices
- Google Maps API for Android
- Mapbox Android SDK Includes APIs for static vector and raster maps, camera use, navigation, and custom marker drawing.
- NextGIS Android SDK - An open source library for Android geo applications.
- ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin - Build native mapping apps for Android and iOS in C# (Quartz Beta)
- GDAL - A translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
- Proj.4 - A library for cartographic projection
- Shapely - A library for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane
- Fiona - IO for GIS Data writted by Python
- Rasterio - A library for reads and writes geospatial raster data
- Rtree - A wrapper of libspatialindex providing spatial indexing features
- GeoTools - An open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data
- Orfeo toolbox - An open-source C++ library for remote sensing images processing
- GeoPandas - Python tools for geographic data
- GISInternals - Provide daily build packages and software development kit for GDAL and Mapserver.
- PostGIS based on PostgreSQL - Most advanced open source database
- Oracle Spatial - Oracle-based advanced spatial data analysis
- Spatialite based on SQLite - Lightweight SQL library to support fully spatially capability
- MSSQL - A high-preformance database support by Microsoft
- MBtiles - A specification for storing tiled map data in SQLite databases
- mySQL - the world's most popular open source database
- mongoDB - An open-source, document database designed for ease of development and scaling
- GeoMesa - An open-source, distributed, spatio-temporal database built on a number of distributed cloud data storage systems, including Accumulo, HBase, Cassandra, and Kafka.
- MapD - SQL engine that leverages the parallel processing power of GPUs to query billions of rows in milliseconds.
- mapnik - Mapnik combines pixel-perfect image output with lightning-fast cartographic algorithms, and exposes interfaces in C++, Python, and Node
- mapbox-gl-native - A library for embedding interactive, customizable vector maps into native applications on multiple platforms
- tangram-es - A C++ library for rendering 2D and 3D maps from vector data using OpenGL ES, and mainly focused on mobile and embedded devices.
- Skia - Skia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images.
- Vector Formats - GDAL vector formats: ESRI Shapefile, ESRI ArcSDE, ESRI FileGDB, MapInfo, GML, KML, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, ...
- Raster Formats - GDAL raster formats: GeoTIFF, Erdas Imagine, ECW, MrSID, JPEG2000, DTED, NITF, ...
- Shapefile
- GeoJson - Represent geospatial information by json
- TopoJson - Represent geospatial information by json in a smaller side
- TileJSON - Represent vector tile provider by json
- WKT - A text markup language for representing vector geometry objects on a map
- SLD - An XML schema for describing the appearance of map layers.
- KMZ/KML - An XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within Internet-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers.
- GeoTIFF - A public domain metadata standard which allows georeferencing information to be embedded within a TIFF file.
- MapBox Vector Tile - Packets of geographic data, packaged into pre-defined roughly-square shaped "tiles" for transfer over the web.
- MBTiles - A specification for storing arbitrary tiled map data in SQLite databases for immediate usage and for efficient transfer.
- [FileGDB]
- [DXF]
- [ArcInfo Coverage]
- [E00 ArcInfo Interchange]
- [Esri Grid]
- [HDF]
- Mapbox - Helping you design your own map and presenting your data
- Cartodb - The easiest way to map and analyze your location data
- GIS Cloud - A next generation platform for apps that manage location information
- stamen - Data visualization to tell compelling stories for some of the world's most visible companies
- citytracking - A two-year project, to change the way people view, talk about, utilize digital city services
- worldmap - Building your own mapping portal and publish it to the world
- GeoHey - A geographic online one-stop solution (Chinese)
- GeoQ - A location intelligence platform (Chinese)
- 地图慧 - A self-designed map server for customs (Chinese)
- 地图无忧 - A enterprise-level map service (Chinese)
- Factual - A company provides the best location data for mobile advertising, mobile apps, and enterprise solutions.
- NextGIS - A cloud geospatial service that allows you to create web GIS right in the browser
Data List Site
- a-comprehensive-list-of-all-open-data-portals-around-the-world
- Free GIS Data
- GeoCommons - A community contributed collection of open data from around the world
Data Site
- 199it
- Harvard Dataverse
- WorldPop
- NYC Open Data
- Los Angeles GeoHub
- Global LUCC data (30m)
- Global cities Shapefile data
- - The First Interactive Network Repository with Visual Analytics
- OpenFlights: Airport and airline data
- Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 | SEDAC
- Citi Bike Trip Histories
- NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission - Trip Record Data
- T-Drive trajectory data sample
- pm2.5-China
- Remote sensing imge
- metro extracts - City-sized portions of OpenStreetMap
- Geofabrik
- Geo Maps - High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated.
- OGC - an international not for profit organization committed to making quality open standards for the global geospatial community
- Maptime
- geo community
- GIS stackexchange
- GIS-Lab - informal community of russian-speaking GIS/RS specialists, we get better ourselves and help get better others
- GeoNet - The Esri Community
- GIS Lounge - Maps and GIS
- The GIS News Tweets Daily
- Geoawesomeness
- GISuser - The GIS And Mapping Professional Resource
- ESRI news
- Directions Magazine - GIS News and Geospatial
- GISCafe
- GIS times
- geospatial pr
- gisgeography
- canadiangis
- Geospatial World
- - The GIS Encyclopedia
- Geo Blogs
- mastermaps
- Anita Graser
- Charley
- Mike Bostock
- Gretchen Peterson
- Maps of the Year
- Cartography and Geovisualization Group at Oregon State University
- snazzymaps - A google map style gallery
- Odyssey.js
- Amazing Maps
- Beijing City Lab
- Chinese Bus System
- flowingdata
- finemapping
- thematicmapping
- dougmccune
- OpenWebGIS is free online GIS
- NC STATE UNIVERSITY Center for Geospatial Analytics
- CHATTY MAPS - the sounds map of city.
- roads to rome - roads to ROME
- Coursera's GIS Specialization - Including
Fundamentals of GIS
,GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality
,Geospatial and Environmental Analysis
,Imagery, Automation, and Applications
andCapstone: Geospatial Analysis
. - Geospatial Intelligence & the Geospatial Revolution
- Maps and the Geospatial Revolution
- MongoDB地理数据模块与MongoGIS - Mandarin.
- mapskin - a collection of scalable vector icons for geospatial.
Geospatial Start-ups And Companies list