RHICf+STAR Simulation developed from the RHICf simulation https://github.com/hmenjo/RHICf-Simulation (v10)
RHICf+STAR Simulation propagates the STAR simulation data into RHICf and STAR ZDC simulation
This is designed to be compatible with StRHICfSimDst format data and STAR's scheduler.
The input file could need StRHICfSimDst format (See the Producing the StRHICfSimDst file part)
HepMC format input to be updated
- ROOT (Required)
- GEANT4 with GDML, version recommended below 10.6 (Required)
- STAR Library, version require above SL23d (Optional, see the https://github.com/star-bnl/star-sw)
You should make sure the geant4 and root library
Source to geant4
source /path/to/geant4/install/geant4.csh
Check the ROOT library path
Note: If you are not working on STAR server system, you should set the ROOT path with CMake
cmake -DROOTPATH=/path/to/ROOT/install
git clone https://github.com/ggfdsa10/RHICfSTARSim.git
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Input options can be inserted as two types, argument, and text file.
-m (Input mode)
STARSim is default option
Available mode
STARSim : STAR simulation propagating mode (needed StRHICfSimDst input)
HepMC : HepMC format event generator file mode (To be updated)
-i (Input file)
- Path the input file (Only one file acceptable)
-r (RHICf run type)
If STARSim mode, run-type set using the input file automatically
Available mode
- TS
- TL
-g (geometry directory)
Path the simulation detector geometry (GDML format) directory path
If not setting, the simulation can find the geometry directory automatically
-t (table directory)
Path the simulation correction tables directory path
If not setting, the simulation can find tables directory automatically
-xxx (user customized option)
Format : -OptionName OptionValue
Available type : int, double, bool, string
(see the https://github.com/ggfdsa10/RHICfSTARSim/blob/main/source/Util/RHICfSimOptions.hh)
Input text file extension : .txt, .dat, .par
- OptionName = OptionValue
- Comment use to "#"
Necessary options can see the Argument type part
Now you can run the RHICf+STAR simulation.
- Example
cd build
./mainRHICfSTARSim -i /path/to/StRHICfSimDSt.root # default STARSim mode with argument option
./mainRHICfSTARSim ./input.dat # run to specific options with text file option
StRHICfSimDst format file can be produced using only StRHICfSimConvertor with STAR Library
You need copy StRoot/StRHICfSimConvertor and source/StRHICfSimDst to StRoot/StRHICfPool directory on your STAR server directory
(or on the STAR library environment)
Correct path
And make sure the compile as follow the STAR library