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Notion SDK for Python

A simple and easy to use Python client for the Notion API

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Notion SDK is a fully typed Python library to use the Notion API. It supports asyncio. It uses the great httpx as an HTTP client and pydantic for data validation and typing. This client is meant to be a Python version of the reference JavaScript SDK, so usage should be pretty similar between both.


$ pip install notion-sdk


Import and initialize a client using an integration token or an OAuth access token.

from notion import NotionClient

notion = NotionClient(auth="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN")

def fetch_databases() -> None:
    response = notion.databases.list()
    for database in response.results:

if __name__ == "__main__":

More example are available in the examples folder.

Async Usage

This library supports asynchronous calls to Notion API.

Each method returns a Coroutine that have to be awaited to retreive the typed response.

The same methods are available for sync or async but you have to use the NotionAsyncClient like in the following example:

import asyncio

from notion import NotionAsyncClient

notion = NotionAsyncClient(auth="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN")

async def fetch_databases() -> None:
    response = await notion.databases.list()
    for database in response.results:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Clients options

NotionClient and NotionAsyncClient support the following options on initialization. These options are all keys in the single constructor parameter.

Option Default value Type Description
auth None string Bearer token for authentication. If left undefined, the auth parameter should be set on each request.
timeout 60 int Number of seconds to wait before emitting a RequestTimeoutError
base_url "" string The root URL for sending API requests. This can be changed to test with a mock server.
user_agent notion-sdk/VERSION ( string A custom user agent send with every request.


This package supports the following minimum versions:

  • Python >= 3.7
  • httpx >= 0.15.0
  • pydantic >= 1.7

Earlier versions may still work, but we encourage people building new applications to upgrade to the current stable.


Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for more information.