kafka-console-consumer implemented in golang and using sarama driver.
- Works with Apache Kafka 0.8, 0.9 and 0.10
- Statically compiled. No dependencies. It run on every linux distribution.
- Just one binary file of ~ 6 Mb
- It prints consumed messages in stdout
- It prints state messages in stderr
- Very easy to configure trough environment variables
- Auto discover kafka peers from DNS name
- Consumer group support
- Customizable initial offset for topic consuming
- Waits for kafka to be ready
- Waits for topic to be created
- Auto reconnect
For example:
export GOPATH=`pwd`/gopath
rm -rf gopath
go get -v ./...
cd gopath
find . -type d -name ".git" | xargs rm -rf
# This will generate kafka-console-consumer binary
go build
# This will generate "service" binary
# This will generate "service" *Linux* binary
environment variable, default value, description
- KAFKA_SERVICE, "kafka", The DNS name or IP for input Kafka broker service
- KAFKA_PORT, "9092", Port to connect to input Kafka peers
- TOPIC, "mytopic", The topic to consume
- KAFKA_GROUP, "kafka-console-consumer", The kafka consumer group ID
- OFFSET, "newest", The offset to start with in new topic. Can be
- BUFFER_SIZE, "256", The buffer size of stdout message channel
- VERBOSE, "false, Set to
if you want verbose output
KAFKA_SERVICE= TOPIC=foo ./kafka-console-consumer
MIT - German Ramos