from a HS research project. modified the approach outlined in "A Fast and Robust Ellipse Detection-Method ..." ( to use line segments and calculated curvature to repair errors in edge maps caused by noise or occlusion.
using numpy, scipy, scikit, and PIL.
This script was designed to be applied to canny edge maps. Three constants adjust the script's behavior. The distance threshold, THR_distance, is the maximum distance for which two broken edge segments may be repaired into one. The angle threshold, THR_angle, is the maximum difference between the angle of the line repairing two broken edge segments and the angles of each edge segment. CONST_K is used in calculating the average angle of rotation (an estimate of curvature) of a strip of edge segments. The average angle of rotation is calculated by iterating across a strip of edge segments from the 'broken' - first or last - element in the array, until the calculating distance is reached. The calculating distance is the product of CONST_K and the length of the original broken elment.