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Node.js bindings for the Mapserver Mapcache map tile caching solution


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Node.js MapCache Tile Caching Module

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This module provides a map tile caching solution for Node.js by creating bindings to Mapserver Mapcache.

Mapserver MapCache is already deployable as an Apache/Ngnix module and CGI/FastCGI binary. This package makes accessing the MapCache functionality possible from Node with the following advantages:

  • Flexibility: it makes it easy to add tile caching functionality to existing Node projects and isn't automatically bound to an HTTP environment.
  • Control: full control over http headers and status codes is available allowing fine tuning of things like HTTP caching. URL end points can be defined as required.
  • Robustness: The module has a suite of tests that exercises the whole API. The tests provide 88% line coverage and 91% function coverage; excluded code generally handles hard to replicate edge cases (e.g. memory exhaustion). This suite has been run through Valgrind to check for memory leaks.


The node-mapcache API is designed to be simple but flexible. It binds into the underlying libmapcache library before the HTTP layer and around the concept of a MapCache object. A MapCache instance is derived from a standard mapcache configuration file. It is used to make requests to the underlying tile cache and return the response:

var mapcache = require('mapcache'), // node-mapcache
    events = require('events'),     // for the logger
    logger = new events.EventEmitter(),
    fs = require('fs');         // for filesystem operations

// Handle log messages
logger.on('log', function handleLog(logLevel, logMessage) {
    if (logLevel >= mapcache.logLevels.WARN) {
        console.error('OOPS! (%d): %s', logLevel, logMessage);
    } else {
        console.log('LOG (%d): %s', logLevel, logMessage);

// Instantiate a MapCache cache object from the configuration file
mapcache.MapCache.FromConfigFile('mapcache.xml', logger, function handleCache(err, cache) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;

    // The parameters determining the cache response
    var baseUrl = '', // an arbitrary base URL
        pathInfo = 'tms/1.0.0/test@WGS84/0/0/0.png', // a TMS cache request
        queryString = '';     // no query string for a TMS request

    // delegate the request to the MapCache cache object, handling the response
    cache.get(baseUrl, pathInfo, queryString, function handleCacheResponse(err, cacheResponse) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

        // If the response is an image, save it to a file, otherwise write it
        // to standard output.
        var contentType = cacheResponse.headers['Content-Type'][0]; // get the content type from the headers
        if (contentType.substr(0, 5) === 'image') {
            var filename = 'output.' + contentType.substr(6);
        } else {

The cache response (cacheResponse in the above snippet) is a javascript object literal with the following properties:

  • code: an integer representing the HTTP status code
  • mtime: a date representing the last modified time
  • data: a Buffer object representing the cached data
  • headers: the HTTP headers as an object literal

The logger passed to FromConfigFile above is optional: the method accepts just two arguments as well. If a logger is passed in it is used for the life of the MapCache instance. The available log levels are the same as those in the MapCache configuration file. From the Node REPL:

> var mapcache = require('mapcache');
> mapcache.logLevels
{ DEBUG: 0,
  INFO: 1,
  NOTICE: 2,
  WARN: 3,
  ERROR: 4,
  CRIT: 5,
  ALERT: 6,
  EMERG: 7 }

Versioning information is also available:

> var mapcache = require('mapcache');
> mapcache.versions
{ node_mapcache: '0.1.5',
  mapcache: '0.5-dev',
  apr: '1.4.5' }


This provides an example of how to use the MapCache module in combination with the Node HTTP module to create a tile caching server. It is available in the package as examples/server.js.

var path = require('path'),         // for file path manipulations
    http = require('http'),         // for the http server
    url = require('url'),           // for url parsing
    events = require('events'),     // for the logger
    logger = new events.EventEmitter(),
    mapcache = require('mapcache'), // the MapCache module
    port = 3000,                    // which port will the server run on?
    baseUrl = "http://localhost:" + port,         // what is the server url?
    conffile = path.join(__dirname, 'mapcache.xml'); // the location of the config file

// Handle log messages
logger.on('log', function handleLog(logLevel, logMessage) {
    if (logLevel >= mapcache.logLevels.WARN) {
        console.error('OOPS! (%d): %s', logLevel, logMessage);
    } else {
        console.log('LOG (%d): %s', logLevel, logMessage);

// Instantiate a MapCache cache object from the configuration file
mapcache.MapCache.FromConfigFile(conffile, logger, function handleCache(err, cache) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;              // error loading the configuration file

    // fire up a http server, handling all requests
    http.createServer(function handleCacheRequest(req, res) {
        var urlParts = url.parse(decodeURIComponent(req.url)); // parse the request url
        var pathInfo = urlParts.pathname || "/"; // generate the PATH_INFO
        var params = urlParts.query || '';       // generate the QUERY_STRING

        // delegate the request to the MapCache cache object, handling the response
        cache.get(baseUrl, pathInfo, params, function handleCacheResponse(err, cacheResponse) {
            console.log('Serving ' + req.url);

            if (err) {
                // the cache returned an error: handle it

            // send the cache response to the client
            res.writeHead(cacheResponse.code, cacheResponse.headers);
            if (req.method !== 'HEAD') {
            } else {
    }).listen(port, "localhost");

        "Server running at " + baseUrl + " - try the following WMS request:\n" +
            baseUrl + '?LAYERS=test&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&BBOX=-180,-90,180,90&WIDTH=800&HEIGHT=400'

Another example is provided as examples/display.js which pipes the output of a cache request to the ImageMagick display program.


  • Linux OS (although it should work on other Unices and ports to Windows and other platforms supported by both Node and Mapserver should be possible: patches welcome!)

  • Node.js 0.10 (Not yet working with 0.12)

  • Mapserver MapCache 0.5-dev >= commit 11e8509


Using NPM

The latest stable release of Node Mapcache is available via the Node Package Manager:

  • Ensure Mapserver Mapcache is installed. It should be built from source as we need the build directory in the next step:

  • Point node-mapcache to the MapCache build directory. These are not installed in the system by MapCache so a valid mapcache build directory must be provided. Assuming you built it in /tmp/mapcache you would use the following command:

    npm config set mapcache:build_dir /tmp/mapcache

  • Get and install node-mapcache:

    npm install mapcache

  • Optionally test that everything is working as expected (recommended):

    npm test mapcache

Using Docker

Assuming you have Docker available on your system, the following command will obtain a docker image with the latest Node Mapcache code from git built against the latest Mapserver Mapcache git checkout:

docker pull homme/node-mapcache:latest

Note that the latest Mapcache git checkout is the latest at the time the image was built. If you want the absolute latest code of both Node Mapcache and Mapcache, build the docker image yourself locally along these lines:

docker build -t homme/node-mapcache:latest

By default the image runs the Node Mapcache tests:

docker run homme/node-mapcache:latest

Running Node directly from the image allows you to require() and play around with Node Mapcache interactively:

docker run -t -i homme/node-mapcache:latest /usr/bin/node
> var mapcache = require('mapcache');
> mapcache.versions
{ node_mapcache: '0.1.12',
  mapcache: '1.3dev',
  apr: '1.4.6' }

See the Docker Index for further information.


  • If you want raw speed use the Apache Mapcache module or reverse proxy your node-mapcache app with a web accelerator such as Varnish. Having said that node-mapcache shouldn't be slow: benchmarks are welcome!

  • When using the Berkeley DB (BDB) as a cache backend for multiple tilesets stability is improved by having a separate filesystem directory for each tileset: this seems to be because the BDB system files (e.g. __db.001) are created on a per directory basis and organising them discretely prevents them having to manage more than one BDB database.

  • Check out node-mapserv: this can work well in combination with node-mapcache for generating tiled maps.


Fork the code on GitHub or clone it:

git clone
cd node-mapcache

Build the module in Debug mode using:

make build

By default this uses the mapcache build directory previously specified using npm config set mapcache:build_dir; to override this do something along the following lines:

make build npm_config_mapcache_build_dir=/tmp/mapcache

You may want to ensure you're building in a clean source tree in which case:

make clean

Add tests for your changes to test/mapcache-test.js and run them:

make test

Perform code coverage analysis to ensure all code paths in your changes are tested (this requires lcov be installed):

make cover

Finally run the test suite through valgrind to ensure you haven't introduced any memory issues:

make valgrind

And issue your pull request or patch...


Doxygen based documentation is available for the C++ bindings:

make doc


Please add bugs or issues to the GitHub issue tracker.


BSD 2-Clause.


Homme Zwaagstra [email protected]


Node.js bindings for the Mapserver Mapcache map tile caching solution







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