Pailingual OData is the Typescript library offering a simple and type-safe access to your OData v4 services.
For using arrow functions as filter predicate, you need to register estree compatible parser (e.g. acorn)
import { parse } from "acorn";
import { setParser } from "pailingual-odata";
setParser(f => parse(f, { locations: true }) as any);
Resource path:
- EntitySet
- Singleton
- Single-valued and collection-valued navigation properties
- Get entity by key
- Bounded and unbounded operations
- $count segment
Query options for collection:
- $skip and $top
- $orderby (also applicable for nested properties in complex type and single-valued navigation property)
- $filter (support builtin functions)
- $search
- $expand($skip;$top;$orderby;$filter;$search;$expand;$count;$select)
- $select
Query options for entity:
- $expand
- $select
- Complex type
- Enum
- Edm.Int32
- Edm.Int16
- Edm.Boolean
- Edm.String
- Edm.Single
- Edm.Guid
- Edm.DateTimeOffset
- Edm.Date
- Edm.Double
- Edm.TimeOfDay
- Edm.Decimal
pailingual-odata-filter - implements support filtering on arrow function based expression.
You can use pailingual-odata-model-generatior for generate model from service metadata.
Define your own interface extending interface IEntityBase
export interface MyEntity extends IEntityBase {
singleValuedNavigationProperty?: OtherEntity;
collectionValuedNavigationProperty?: OtherEntity[];
Define your own interface extending interface IApiContextBase
export interface MyApiContext extends IApiContextBase {
EntitySet1: MyEntity[];
EntitySet2: OtherEntity[];
Singleton: MyEntity;
For defining operations use special properties in your defenition
- $$Functions - defines unbounded functions in ApiContext or bounded functions in Entity
- $$Actions - defines unbounded actions in ApiContext or bounded actions in Entity
- $$EntitySetFunctions - defines collection bounded functions in Entity
- $$EntitySetActions - defines collection bounded actions in Entity
export interface MyApiContext extends IApiContextBase {
unboundedAction(): void;
export interface MyEntity extends IEntityBase {
boundedAction(): string;
boundedAction(): MyEntity;
Context allows your to make queries to dataservice. For creating context use ApiContextFactory function. This function have few overrides.
import { ApiContextFactory, loadMetadata } from "pailingual-odata";
//Create context by url. Metadata will be loaded or get from cache
ApiContextFactory("/api").then(context=>{/*Your queryes*/});
//Create context use preloaded metadata
var context = ApiContextFactory(metadata);
/*Your queryes*/
var maxId=10;
var result:Entity<MyEntity>
& ExpandedProperty<MyEntity, "singleValuedNavigationProperty">
& ExpandedProperty<MyEntity, "collectionValuedNavigationProperty", Pick<MyEntity, "Id">> =null;
result = await context.EntitySet1
.$filter((e, p)=>e.Id < p.maxId, {maxId})
.$expand("collectionValuedNavigationProperty", i=>i.$select("Id"))