This project is still in an early alpha state, nearly the half of the tests are failing. The goal is to implement a parser which is 100% compatible with the CSL 1.0.1 standard, 100% clean OOP and follows the PSR-2 coding standard.
Via composer
Add to the composer.json
the require
key and run composer install.
"require" : {
"geissler/csl": "dev-master"
Make sure you are using a PSR-2 compatible autoloader.
Render a single bibliography entry.
// include the composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Geissler\CSL\CSL;
// the name of the style you want to use
$style = 'american-journal-of-archaeology';
// the data do be displayed as a json array
$input = '[
"id": "ITEM-1",
"author" : [
"family": "Wallace-Hadrill",
"given": "Andrew"
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"title": "The monumental centre of Herculaneum. In search of the identities of the public buildings",
"container-title" : "Journal of Roman Archaeology",
"volume" : "24",
"page" : "121-160",
"original-publisher-place" : "Ann Arbor, Mich.",
"type": "article-journal"
$csl = new CSL();
echo $csl->bibliography($style, $input);
// this will output the following
Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. 2011. "The monumental centre of Herculaneum. In search of the identities of the public
buildings". Journal of Roman archaeology 24: 121-160.
<div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry">Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. 2011. "The monumental centre of Herculaneum. In search of the
identities of the public buildings". <font style="font-style:italic">Journal of Roman archaeology</font>
24: 121-160.</div>
The following options can be configured via the configuration.ini
- locale-group
- dir = Path to the locales files relative to the configuration.ini (standard: locale)
- file = Filename of the language files, where LANGUAGE represents de-DE, en-US (standard: locales-LANGUAGE.xml)
- dialects = A JSON array with the main dialects for languages spoken in more than one country.
- styles-group
- dir = Path to the styles dir relative to the configuration.ini (standard: styles)
The files under styles are taken from the CSL styles repository and the files under locales are taken from the CSL locales repository.
Most of the examples for the phpunit-tests under tests/src, all files in tests/citeproc-test and some comments are taken/copied from CiteProc Test, "the standard test bundle for use in CSL processor and style development" written by Frank G. Bennett, Jr. and Bruce D'Arcus.