Adds the ability to insert translations in content using a language table. For example you can create a main model that stores the object id and the data that is not translatable, on the lang model you have to define the foreign key for the main object(in this case post_id) and the one for the language that has always to be "language_id". Below an example of model definition in YAML for blueprint package:
user_id: string
postStatus_id: string nullable
belongsTo: PostStatus, \App\Models\User
hasMany: PostLanguage
title: string:160
content: string nullable
post_id: unsignedInteger
language_id: unsignedInteger
belongsTo: Language
Simply install using composer
composer require unusualdope/filament-model-translatable
run then
php artisan fmt:install
and follow the prompts to publish and run the migrations and create the languages.
don't forget to register the plugin in your panel
use Unusualdope\FilamentModelTranslatable\FmtPlugin;
use Filament\Panel;
class AdminPanelProvider extends PanelProvider
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
In the main model extend the FmtModel:
use Unusualdope\FilamentModelTranslatable\Models\FmtModel;
class Post extends FmtModel
Define some properties to make the plugin work, see the example with comments:
* Translatable props needed
protected $lang_model = 'App\Models\PostLanguage'; //fqn of the translatable model
protected $lang_foreign_key = 'post_id'; //foreign key
protected $is_translatable = true;
protected $translatable = [
'title' => [ //field name that will match with the LangModel db field and property
'formType' => 'TextInput', //The type of form input field as in Filament
'name' => 'Title', //Field Label
'methods' => [ //The methods you want to call from filament on your field to define it
'required' => '1',
'prefix' => 'title',
'anotherMethod' => [
'param1' => '1',
'param2' => 'test'
'paramN' => 'xxx'
'content' => [
'formType' => 'RichEditor',
'name' => 'Content',
'methods' => [
'columnSpanFull' => '',
In the RESOURCE you have to use the Trait fmtTrait and retrieve the translatable fields with
self::addTranslatableFieldsToSchema(array $schema, Form $form, Bool false);
1 - As first parameter you can pass the current schema and it will give you back the full schema with the translatable fields appended at the end.
2 - the Form object
3 - If you want back only the array containing the schema of the translatable fields (to allow you to place it in the middle of your schema) set this to false (default is true) Below is just an example:
class PostResource extends Resource
use FmtModelTrait;
protected static ?string $model = Post::class;
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-duplicate';
public static function form(Form $form): Form
$schema = [
->relationship('user', 'name')
->relationship('postStatus', 'name')
$schema = self::addTranslatableFieldsToSchema($schema, $form);
return $form
On the CREATE page extend
instead of the standard
On the EDIT page extend
instead of the standard Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord
use Unusualdope\FilamentModelTranslatable\Filament\Resources\Pages\FmtCreateRecord;
class CreatePlan extends FmtCreateRecord
protected static string $resource = PlanResource::class;
You will get a tab that let you change language and fill the content for every language:
Please feel free to give any suggestions for improvements or report any issue directly on the github plugin repository