- Make sure to have the Flutter SDK set up on your machine.
- Navigate to Frontend/v1 and run $ flutter pub get to download all the dependencies.
- Run lib/main.dart by executing $ flutter run lib/main.dart to start the web app server.
- Make sure to have at least Python 3.9 on your computer, and makesure to have a working Microsoft SQL Server engine running.
- Take note of the Engine's name, navigate to Backend and put it in the Database variable inside API.py.
- Set up a database of the name Hearty_Plant following this database description https://docs.google.com/document/d/14eriFJJOPWsHy-IeUb1naxtfrPG2EIfWCHXdu3VgcY0/edit?usp=sharing
- Once everything is set up, execute API.py with python API.py. The backend server should be up and running now, and the web should be able to access information stored in the database.