Simple recommendatnion system implementation with Python
- Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
- Bayesian Matrix Factorization
- Alternating Least Squares with Weighted Lambda Regularization (ALS-WR)
- "Probabilistic Matrix Factorization", R. Salakhutdinov and A.Mnih., NIPS 2008
- "Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization using MCMC", R. Salakhutdinov and A.Mnih., ICML 2008
- Matlab code:
- "Large-scale Parallel Collaborative Filtering for the Netflix Prize", Y. Zhou, D. Wilkinson, R. Schreiber and R. Pan, 2008
# clone repoisitory
git clone [email protected]:chyikwei/recommend.git
cd recommend
# install numpy & scipy
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
To run BPMF with MovieLens 1M dataset:
First, download MovieLens 1M dataset and unzip it (data will be in ml-1m
Then run:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from recommend.bpmf import BPMF
>>> from recommend.utils.evaluation import RMSE
>>> from recommend.utils.datasets import load_movielens_1m_ratings
# load user ratings
>>> ratings = load_movielens_1m_ratings('ml-1m/ratings.dat')
>>> n_user = max(ratings[:, 0])
>>> n_item = max(ratings[:, 1])
>>> ratings[:, (0, 1)] -= 1 # shift ids by 1 to let user_id & movie_id start from 0
# fit model
>>> bpmf = BPMF(n_user=n_user, n_item=n_item, n_feature=10,
max_rating=5., min_rating=1., seed=0).fit(ratings, n_iters=20)
>>> RMSE(bpmf.predict(ratings[:, :2]), ratings[:,2]) # training RMSE
# predict ratings for user 0 and item 0 to 9:
>>> bpmf.predict(np.array([[0, i] for i in xrange(10)]))
array([ 4.35574067, 3.60580936, 3.77778456, 3.4479072 , 3.60901065,
4.29750917, 3.66302187, 4.43915423, 3.85788772, 4.02423073])
Complete example can be found in examples/
folder. The script will download MovieLens 1M dataset automatically, run PMF(BPMF) model and show training/validation RMSE.
python test
or run test with coverage:
coverage run --source=recommend test
coverage report -m
pip uninstall recommend
- Old version code can be found in
. It contains a Probabilistic Matrix Factorization model with theano implementation.