Author - Gautham Satyanarayana
Email - [email protected]
UIN - 659368048
As part of UIC-CS441 Engineering Distributed Objects for Cloud Computing, this project demonstrates how to train an LLM. For the first Homework, we build a mapreduce model to tokenize, encode, and finally compute word embeddings and find similar words based on these embeddings. The implementation follows a cluster run on AWS EMR where a Word2Vec model is trained independently on each mapper and the embeddings are averaged in the reducer for each token.
Video Link :
- Dataset - Books from Project Gutenberg
- Preprocessing Strategy - Remove punctuation, numbers and force to lowercase
- Sharding Strategy - Shard the file into n lines where each line contains 100,000 words
- Tokenization Strategy - Split each line into words
- Encoding and Training - JTokkit and Deeplearning4j
- Testing Framework - munit
- Config - TypeSafe Config
- Logging - Sl4j
- MacOSX ARM64
- IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.1
- Hadoop 3.3.6
- Scala v2.13.12
- SBT v1.10.2
- WordCount Job
- Mapper
- Clean the sentence by removing punctuation and numbers and trailing white spaces and forcing to lowercase
- Split the sentence by spaces and for each token - map the word, its byte pair encoding and 1 -
<Text, IntWritable>
as<(word, encoding), 1>
- Reducer
- For
<key: Text, values: Iterable[IntWritable]>
sum all the values - Format a resulting writable Text as
s"$word, $encodingStr, $sum"
- Output this resulting string; example -
- For
- Mapper
- Mapper
- On the sharded data mapped as
<key, line>
, clean the line as mentioned in the previous step, and tokenise the words to their byte pair encodings - I followed a format to map the encoding IntArray to a string by concatenating these integers in the encoding array into a string separated by
Example -"melodiously" -> [20, 187, 923] -> "20:187:923"
"hello world" -> [[96], [182,34]] -> "96 182:34"
- Now a Word2Vec model is trained using Deeplearning4j on this tokenised and encoded sentence
- For every word in this local mapper's model, we emit the word and its embedding in the format
<word: Text, vector: Text(v1,v2,v3,...,vn)>
where n is the dimension of the vector and the word is decoded from the token using helper functions to decode a token1:2:3
intoIntArrayList [1, 2, 3]
- On the sharded data mapped as
- Reducer
- For every pair of key and values - word and array of vectors
<word: Text, vectors: Iterable[String]>
, Deserialize them intoArray[Double]
- Sum up these vectors on each dimension and divide each dimension by the number of dimensions chosen
- Output this averaged vector as the resulting word embedding for this word as
<word: Text, avgVector: Text(v1, v2, ... , vn)>
- For every pair of key and values - word and array of vectors
- Mapper
- The input line comes from the sharded embeddings file where each line contains 5000 vectors
- For every pair of vectors in this list, compute the cosine similarity and if it is greater than a set threshold, emit this pair along with the similarity as
word1, (word2, similarity)
- Reducer
- For every
wordI, Iterable[(wordJ, simIJ)]
sort the Iterable and emit the top 5 wordJ for wordI with highest similarity scores
- For every
Explained in the YouTube video linked above
Tests are found in /src/test/scala/Suite.scala
or just run from root
sbt test
- WordCount Results are found in
(Vocabulary Size result in last line of file, emitted by reducer) - Embedding Results are found in
- Cosine Results are found in
- Clone this repository
into the root of the project repositorysbt update
- Installs the dependencies in build.sbtsbt assembly
- The jar file should be created in the/target/scala-2.13
directory- upload all the input files to hdfs
hdfs dfs -put ./src/main/resources/*.txt /input
- Runs the map reduce job for generating vocabulary and word count on hadoop locally.
hadoop jar ./target/scala-2.13/hw1.jar stat /input/ulyss12-sharded.txt /output-stat
- Runs the map reduce job for computing word count and vocabulary on hadoop locally.
hadoop jar <name of jar file> stat /input/ulyss12-sharded.txt /output-wc
- Runs the map reduce job for computing word embeddings on hadoop locally.
hadoop jar <name of jar file> embedding /input/ulyss12-sharded.txt /output-embedding
- Runs the map reduce job for finding similar words for each word in the vocabulary on hadoop locally.
hadoop jar <name of jar file> cosSim /input/ulyss12-sharded.txt /output-cosSim