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Update (#667) #249

Update (#667)

Update (#667) #249

GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-parallel-3rdPartyRewards succeeded Jan 10, 2024 in 0s

E2E report yarn test-parallel-3rdPartyRewards ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ e2eTests/reports/junit.xml-740bfaa0-afa9-11ee-97ff-b106659a839d.xml

26 tests were completed in 1392s with 26 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.accuracy.test.ts 1✅ 432s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.activation.test.ts 3✅ 299s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.burning.test.ts 1✅ 264s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.claim.test.ts 4✅ 1391s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.fees.test.ts 4✅ 407s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.happyPath.test.ts 1✅ 502s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.MPL-integration.test.ts 4✅ 743s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.reusedActivations.test.ts 1✅ 790s
test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.setup.test.ts 7✅ 719s

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.accuracy.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Accuracy rewards scenarios
  ✅ User liq. is considered on the ongoing session

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.activation.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Activation rewards scenarios
  ✅ A user can activate some rewards
  ✅ A user can activate twice some rewards
  ✅ A user can activate rewards that were activated on some other schedules

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.burning.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Burn liquidity
  ✅ GIVEN a user with N tokens activated for 3rd party, WHEN the user wants to burn ( all the existing - N ) THEN the operation works

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.claim.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Claim rewards scenarios
  ✅ When rewards not available, should return error
  ✅ Rewards are divided in n-sessions
  ✅ Two users activated, one in one exec, other in two - check balances
  ✅ Rewards are not given for the ongoing session it got scheduled

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.fees.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › FeeCosts
  ✅ Reward a pool is not free of cost
  ✅ Activate - deactivate is free if success
  ✅ Activate - deactivate is not free if fails
  ✅ Claiming is not free if Zero

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.happyPath.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Happy path
  ✅ A user can deactivate all the tokens when partial activation / deactivation

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.MPL-integration.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › MPL integration
  ✅ User [testUser1] with: stakedUnactivatedReserves ->  stakedAndActivatedReserves -> stakedUnactivatedReserves
  ✅ Bug ? User [testUser2] with: stakedActivatedReserves ->  stakedAndActivatedReserves -> stakedAndActivatedReserves
  ✅ User [testUser3] with: activatedUnstakedReserves ->  activatedUnstakedReserves -> activatedUnstakedReserves
  ✅ User [testUser4] with: unspentReserves ->  activatedUnstakedReserves -> unspentReserves

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.reusedActivations.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Activations are reused if new rewards
  ✅ A user can activate - finish schedule and get automatically activated for the following schedules

✅ test/parallel/proffOfStake.3rdPartyRewards.setup.test.ts

Proof of stake tests › Setup rewards scenarios
  ✅ Multiple users can reward the same pool - same tokens
  ✅ Multiple users can reward multiple pools - token does not belong to the promoted pool
  ✅ A user can reward a pool that is not directly paired with mgx
  ✅ A user can reward in mgx
  ✅ Rewards schedule must last at least 1 session ahead
  ✅ Min liq is required setup rewards
  ✅ Min liq valuation is required setup rewards