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Setup new matrix for run with chops - dynamic matrix #1403

Setup new matrix for run with chops - dynamic matrix

Setup new matrix for run with chops - dynamic matrix #1403

GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-sdk succeeded Nov 14, 2023 in 0s

E2E report yarn test-sdk ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ e2eTests/reports/junit.xml-02e666c0-82f0-11ee-87e8-350d21700af1.xml

49 tests were completed in 1620s with 49 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/parallel/sdk.API.batch.test.ts 7✅ 743s
test/parallel/sdk.API.getInfo.test.ts 16✅ 263s
test/parallel/sdk.API.submitableExtrinsic.test.ts 9✅ 743s
test/parallel/sdk.API.utils.test.ts 8✅ 947s
test/parallel/xyk-sdk.API.activateLiqudity.test.ts 2✅ 538s
test/sequential/sdk.API.claimRewards.test.ts 7✅ 1619s

✅ test/parallel/sdk.API.batch.test.ts

✅ Check that when we are using SDK batch function and the first call finishes with error next call doesn't finish
✅ Check that when we are using SDK batch function and the second call finishes with error first call finishes successful
✅ Happy path - batch
✅ WHEN call batchAll where one item is failed THEN all entire transactions will rollback and fail
✅ Happy path - batchAll
✅ WHEN call forceBatch where one item is failed THEN check completed and failed items
✅ Happy path - forceBatch

✅ test/parallel/sdk.API.getInfo.test.ts

✅ getAmountOfTokensInPool return poolAmount AND in reverse list of token we recived equal result
✅ check parameters of getInvestedPools function
✅ check parameters of getLiquidityTokenIds function
✅ check parameters of getPool function
✅ check parameters of getPools function
✅ check parameters of getTotalIssuance functions
✅ check parameters of getChain function
✅ check parameters of getNodeName function
✅ check parameters of getNodeVersion function
✅ check waitForNewBlock
✅ check calculateMintingFutureRewards
✅ check getAssetsInfo
✅ check getLiquidityTokens
✅ check getOwnedTokens
✅ check getTokenInfo
✅ sdk - filter deactivated pools on node

✅ test/parallel/sdk.API.submitableExtrinsic.test.ts

✅ activate some Liquidity using SDK THEN claim rewards THEN deactivate Liquidity
✅ check claimRewards
✅ check mintLiquidity
✅ check burnLiquidity
✅ check createPool
✅ check multiswapBuyAsset
✅ check multiswapSellAsset
✅ check transferTokens
✅ check transferAllTokens

✅ test/parallel/sdk.API.utils.test.ts

✅ GIVEN buyAsset WHEN operation is confirmed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns true
✅ GIVEN buyAsset WHEN operation is failed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns false
✅ GIVEN sellAsset WHEN operation is confirmed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns true
✅ GIVEN sellAsset WHEN operation is failed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns false
✅ GIVEN multiSwapBuy WHEN operation is confirmed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns true
✅ GIVEN multiSwapBuy WHEN operation is failed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns false
✅ GIVEN multiSwapSell WHEN operation is confirmed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns true
✅ GIVEN multiSwapSell WHEN operation is failed AND isMultiSwapAssetTransactionSuccessful THEN it returns false

✅ test/parallel/xyk-sdk.API.activateLiqudity.test.ts

✅ Given a user hame some liquidity token THEN he activate them THEN deactivate
✅ Activate liquidity and claim rewards

✅ test/sequential/sdk.API.claimRewards.test.ts

✅ GIVEN an user has available some rewards in one pool WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for that pool
✅ GIVEN an user has available some rewards in two pools WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for thats pools
✅ GIVEN an user has available some rewards in two pools one deactivated WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for thats pools
✅ GIVEN an user has available some rewards in two “pools” one solo token, one pool WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for thats pools
✅ GIVEN a user that has available some rewards in ten pools max for automatically claiming WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for thats pools
✅ GIVEN a user has available some rewards in over ten pools WHEN claims all rewards THEN the error is received
✅ GIVEN a user has available some rewards in over ten pools AND this user claims some pool manually WHEN claims all rewards THEN the user gets the rewards for all remaining pools