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Feature/merging main conflict resolve #1207

Feature/merging main conflict resolve

Feature/merging main conflict resolve #1207

GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-crowdloan succeeded Oct 5, 2023 in 1s

E2E report yarn test-crowdloan ✔️

Tests passed successfully

✔️ e2eTests/reports/junit-21ba2480-63bd-11ee-ac70-3b62d401a880.xml

12 tests were completed in 1754s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/sequential/crowdloan.API.claiming.test.ts 6✔️ 938s
test/sequential/crowdloan.API.test.ts 6✔️ 816s

✔️ test/sequential/crowdloan.API.claiming.test.ts

✔️ Users receive different rewards when they confirm them before, during and after crowdloan
✔️ A user can only change his reward-address with: crowdloan.updateRewardAddress AND user can claim some rewards if it provided some on the specified cl_id
Test that a user can claim when
  ✔️ CL1 is fully setup and no other CL is setup
  ✔️ CL1 is fully setup and CL2 setup the setCrowdloanAllocation
  ✔️ CL1 is fully setup and CL2 setup the setCrowdloanAllocation and RewardVec
  ✔️ CL1 is fully setup and CL2 setup the setCrowdloanAllocation and RewardVec and completeInitialization

✔️ test/sequential/crowdloan.API.test.ts

Only sudo can
  ✔️ crowdloan.setCrowdloanAllocation(crowdloanAllocationAmount)
  ✔️ crowdloan.initializeCrowdloanRewardVec(rewards)
  ✔️ crowdloan.completeCrowdloanInitialization(leaseEndingBlock)
✔️ A reward needs to be fully setup with: setCrowdloanAllocation + initializeCrowdloanRewardVec + completeCrowdloanInitialization
✔️ CL needs to be setup in order
✔️ Total contributors returns the number of contributors per crowdloan AND validation of contributions is done when Initializing the cl rewards