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new SDK tests (#604) #215

new SDK tests (#604)

new SDK tests (#604) #215

GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-bootstrap succeeded Oct 2, 2023 in 1s

E2E report yarn test-bootstrap ✔️

Tests passed successfully

✔️ e2eTests/reports/junit-623ffb90-6112-11ee-b49e-0bb10a076dc2.xml

5 tests were completed in 2217s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/sequential/bootstrap.cancelBootstrap.test.ts 2✔️ 528s
test/sequential/bootstrap.checkActivatePool.test.ts 1✔️ 588s
test/sequential/bootstrap.claimAndActivate.test.ts 2✔️ 1101s

✔️ test/sequential/bootstrap.cancelBootstrap.test.ts

✔️ bootstrap - Check that we can cancel bootstrap before planned
✔️ bootstrap - Check that we can not cancel bootstrap when bootstrap event already planned or started

✔️ test/sequential/bootstrap.checkActivatePool.test.ts

✔️ bootstrap - Check that we can not create a pool for the bootstrap token after bootstrap was declared

✔️ test/sequential/bootstrap.claimAndActivate.test.ts

bootstrap - checking bootstrapped pool in different situations
  ✔️ bootstrap - checking claiming and activating rewards. Promoting pool is true, vesting MGA token for User1 is false
  ✔️ bootstrap - checking claiming and activating rewards. Promoting pool is false, vesting MGA token for User1 is false