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Bugfix/liq tokens mgx 434 v2 (#603) #214

Bugfix/liq tokens mgx 434 v2 (#603)

Bugfix/liq tokens mgx 434 v2 (#603) #214

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GitHub Actions / E2E report yarn test-sequential-no-bootstrap succeeded Sep 29, 2023 in 1s

E2E report yarn test-sequential-no-bootstrap ✔️

Tests passed successfully

✔️ e2eTests/reports/junit-0204a4f0-5ee3-11ee-82b7-a780aa59ba36.xml

27 tests were completed in 1730s with 19 passed, 0 failed and 8 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.accuracy.MGA.fees.test.ts 1✔️ 108s
test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.fees.v2.test.ts 7✔️ 286s
test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.stacking.lock.test.ts 1✖️ 2s
test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.treasury.v2.test.ts 9✔️ 432s
test/sequential/xyk-pallet.scenarios.v2.test.ts 2✔️ 900s
test/sequential/xyk-SDK.nonce.test.ts 7✖️ 2s

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.accuracy.MGA.fees.test.ts

✔️ xyk-pallet - Assets substracted are incremented by 1 - MGA- SellAsset

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.fees.v2.test.ts

API fees test suite
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are subtracted as fee : CreatePool
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are subtracted as fee : MintLiquidity
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are subtracted as fee : BurnLiquidity
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are subtracted as fee : Transfer
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are subtracted as fee : TransferAll
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are not subtracted as fee : SellAsset
  ✔️ xyk-pallet - MGA tokens are / are not subtracted as fee : BuyAsset

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.stacking.lock.test.ts

xyk-pallet - Sell Asset: validate Errors:
  ✖️ joinCandidates operation reserves some tokens

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-pallet.API.treasury.v2.test.ts

xyk-pallet - treasury tests [Mangata]: on treasury we store
  ✔️ assets won when assets are sold [Selling Mangata] - 5
  ✔️ assets won when assets are bought [Buying Mangata]
  ✔️ assets won when assets are sold [Selling other in MGA pool] - 6
  ✔️ assets won when assets are bought [Buying other in MGA pool]
xyk-pallet - treasury tests [Connected - Mangata]: on treasury we store
  ✔️ assets won when assets are sold [Selling X connected to MGA pool] - rounding
  ✔️ assets won when assets are bought [Buying X connected to MGA pool]
  ✔️ assets won when assets are sold [Selling Y - X connected toMGA pool] - 6
  ✔️ assets won when assets are bought [Buying Y - X connected toMGA pool] - 6
xyk-pallet - treasury tests [Connected - Mangata]: Error cases
  ✔️ Not enough tokens to convert fee LINK[]

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-pallet.scenarios.v2.test.ts

xyk-pallet: Happy case scenario
  ✔️ xyk-pallet: Happy case scenario
xyk-pallet: Liquidity sufficiency scenario
  ✔️ xyk-pallet: Liquidity sufficiency scenario

✔️ test/sequential/xyk-SDK.nonce.test.ts

SDK test - Nonce tests - user
  ✖️ SDK- Nonce management - user
  ✖️ SDK- Nonce management - user - parallel
  ✖️ SDK- Nonce management - user - future Tx-
  ✖️ SDK- Nonce management - Extrinsic failed
  ✖️ SDK- Nonce management - Using custom nonce
  ✖️ [BUG?] SDK- Nonce management - Transaction outdated
SDK test - Nonce tests - Errors
  ✖️ [BUG?] SDK- Nonce management - RPC Failure - Not enough balance