This library and tool were designed to update the provisioning profile inside an IPA file and update the file signature.
This tool is an alternative to Apple's codesign.
This tool can be used on Windows, Linux and etc.
The provisioning profile is stored as 'embedded.mobileprovision' in the IPA file.
- The Mach-O executable (Identified by 'CFBundleExecutable' in Info.plist).
- Info.plist
- Code requirements expression.
- Code entitlements plist.
- The '_CodeSignature\CodeResource' file containing the file hashes (including 'embedded.mobileprovision').
The CMS signature is stored as the last segment of the Mach-O executable (Identified by 'CFBundleExecutable' in Info.plist).
If you have any question, feel free to contact me.
Tal Aloni [email protected]