HTML templates with just Python.
No. No security concerns were taken into account, this is simply a small pet project.
Use pip to install the package:
pip install stempl
For more examples checkout the tests file.
from flask import Flask
from stempl import *
app = Flask(__name__)
def render_head():
with Head() as t:
t << meta(charset='utf-8')
t << meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no')
t << title('Hello World')
t << link(href='', rel='stylesheet')
t << script(src='')
t << script(src='')
t << script(src='')
return t()
def render_navbar():
with Ul(_class='navbar-nav') as u:
u << li(a('Home', _class='nav-link', href='#'), _class='nav-item active')
u << li(a('Features', _class='nav-link', href='#'), _class='nav-item active')
u << li(a('Pricing', _class='nav-link', href='#'), _class='nav-item active')
u << li(a('Disabled', _class='nav-link disabled', href='#'), _class='nav-item active')
with Nav(_class='navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light') as n:
n << a('Navbar', _class='navbar-brand', href='#')
with Button(_class='navbar-toggler', type='button', data_toggle='collapse', data_target='#navbarNav') as b:
b << span(_class='navbar-toggler-icon')
n << b()
n << div(u(), _class='collapse navbar-collapse', id='navbarNav')
return n()
def layout(content):
with Html() as h:
h << render_head()
with Body() as b:
b << render_navbar()
b << div(content, _class='container', id='main')
h << b()
return doctype() + h()
def index_template():
with Div(id='index-page') as d:
d << h1('Hello World')
return layout(d)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return index_template()
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=3000, debug=True)