Lista actiuni:
- 1 add patient
- 2 add doctor
- 3 add assistant
- 4 add surgery
- 5 add consultation
- 6 view patient
- 7 view staff (doctor + assistant)
- 8 view appointment (consultation + surgery)
- 9 get number of medical staff by type
- 10 get number of appointments by type
- 11 overview (patients, medical staff, appointments)
- 12 remove patient
- 13 remove medical staff
- 14 remove appointment
- 15 update patient (age, phone)
- 16 update staff (age, phone, salary, experience)
- 17 update appointment (date)
Lista obiecte:
- 1 MedicalClinic
- 2 MedicalConsultation
- 3 MedicalSurgery
- 4 Patient
- 5 Doctor
- 6 Assistant
- 7 Drug
- 8 Prescription
- 9 ClinicalManagement
- 10 PersonService
- 11 StaffService
- 12 AppointmentService