(Java | Spring Boot | React | Next JS | Angular | Typescript | Javascript | Docker | AWS )
- 💻 Full Stack Developer
- 🎓 Computer Science Student at Estácio
- 🌐 Passionate about web development
- 💡 Love a good challenge
Built with NextJS, Hygraph CMS, Tailwind and TypeScript. Explore my work to see how I apply these tools to create dynamic, responsive web experiences. From front-end and fullstack projects, you'll …
Project developed during the React track of Rocketseat's Ignite course. It simulates an e-commerce platform for a coffee shop, where users can explore a variety of coffee shops, add products to the…
In this project, all the routes necessary for navigation were developed, as well as the componentization of the header and footer on all pages, including post details. Furthermore, props were used …
RESTful API built using Fastify, TypeScript, and Prisma, with PostgreSQL as the database. The API supports user authentication with JWT tokens and includes a private route that allows users to post…
World Trip is a travel website project built with Next.js and Chakra UI. With an intuitive and elegant interface, users can explore destinations around the world, find the best deals on tickets and…
Project developed during Fernanda Kipper's class. This repository contains a simple Java Spring project that implements authentication and authorization using Spring Security