See version 2.0 at!
EmberLeaflet aims to make working with Leaflet layers in your Ember app as easy, declarative and composable as Ember's View classes make working with DOM elements.
Wherever possible, the design is analogous to Ember's View, CollectionView and ContainerView architecture. EmberLeaflet provides functionality for maps, tile layers, markers, polylines, geometry, and popups. It provides hooks wherever possible for easy extensibility into more custom Leaflet behavior.
- Quickstart and examples at
- Class reference (YUIDoc)
- Minimal JSFiddle
EmberLeaflet is an Ember-cli addon, so you can install it by running:
$ ember install gabesmed/ember-leaflet
You should now have access to a new component in your app. Render the EmberLeaflet component wherever you want to render a leaflet map:
Create layers and bind content declaratively in idiomatic Ember.
// app/components/leaflet-map.js
import EmberLeafletComponent from 'ember-leaflet/components/leaflet-map';
import MarkerCollectionLayer from 'ember-leaflet/layers/marker-collection';
import TileLayer from 'ember-leaflet/layers/tile';
export default EmberLeafletComponent.extend({
childLayers: [
'http://{s}' +
'/{key}/{styleId}/256/' +
options: {
key: 'API-key', styleId: 997
contentBinding: 'controller'
Handle events by adding functions: listeners are added and removed automatically.
// app/layers/my-marker-layer.js
import MarkerLayer from 'ember-leaflet/layers/marker';
export default MarkerLayer.extend({
click: function(e) { alert('hi!'); },
dblclick: function(e) { alert('hi again!'); }
Functionality is added to classes with mixins.
// app/layers/my-marker-layer.js
import MarkerLayer from 'ember-leaflet/layers/marker';
import DraggableMixin from 'ember-leaflet/mixins/draggable';
export default MarkerLayer.extend(DraggableMixin, {});
More examples at
- Better documentation
for automatic parsing of geojson.Icon
classes for easy bindings to icon properties likeclassName
PRs welcome! To contribute, get in touch with @gabesmed.
git clone
ember install
ember build
Run ember test
Run ember ember-cli-yuidoc
- Thanks to everyone who makes Ember a joy to work with!
- Thanks to the makers of Leaflet, hooray for maps!