A 2d FDTD heat diffusion simuation wrapped in a Web API
Useful for:
- Virtual Home Assistant Testing
- Heat strategies using sensors and thermostats
- Logging and python program development (sample included)
# (optional) create a virtual env
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# (optional) test model
python3 ./simulation.py
# (optional) create mp4 / gif
bash ./build_mp4.sh
# run aiohttp webserver
python3 ./server.py
# server running at http://localhost:8080
A sample heating "agent" or automation strategy is given in sample_heat_agent.py
this will read the thermostat state and switch the heat on or off via the API
python3 ./sample_heat_agent.py
A sample logging program is included for teaching purposes:
# create a sqlite3 database dict.sqlite3
python3 ./sample_logging_dict.py
# create a sqlite3 database db.sqlite3
python3 ./sample_logging_sqlite.py
# dump database
echo .dump | sqlite3 db.sqlite3
- http://localhost:8080/ - index.html
- http://localhost:8080/reset - reset sim
- http://localhost:8080/sensor - read sensor value
- http://localhost:8080/heat-source/on - switch heat source on
- http://localhost:8080/heat-source/off - switch heat source off
- http://localhost:8080/heat-source/temp/{temp} - set heat source temperature
- Exponential step function for the heating system
- Switches on and comes up to temperature