Hello World! Welcome to the main course of Impact Byte, full stack web development.
This guide can be accessed via:
The compact syllabus hints about the program agenda.
The compact checklist contains list of materials that must be covered in 8 weeks.
Typical agenda that will run through in our onsite class.
- Chapter 0: Preparation
- Chapter 1: Introduction, Design, HTML, CSS
- Chapter 2: Logic, Algorithm, JavaScript, DOM
- Chapter 3: jQuery, Paradigms, Architecture
- Chapter 4: React, Redux, React Native
- Chapter 5: REST API, Node.js, Express.js, Auth, Testing
- Chapter 6: Database, Auth, Test, Computer Science
- Chapter 7: Final Team Project
- Chapter 8: Final Team Project
- Impact Byte Learn: https://github.com/impactbyte-learn ⭐
- Impact Todo Web: https://github.com/impactbyte-learn/impactodo-web
- Impact Todo API: https://github.com/impactbyte-learn/impactodo-api
- MarkSheet: a free HTML and CSS tutorial - Free tutorial to learn HTML and CSS
- JavaScript.info - The Modern Javascript Tutorial
- DevDocs API Documentation
- MDN Web Docs
- Getting Real: The smarter, faster, easier way to build a successful web application ⭐
- Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2018
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2016
- The Modern Javascript Tutorial on JavaScript.info
- freeCodeCamp
- Hard Coding Concepts Explained with Simple Real-life Analogies
- Super Full Stack Web Developer in Modern Expectation